INetworkEdge Interface

Provides access to members that specify the properties of this network edge element.


Name Description
Read-only property AttributeValue Value of this network element for the given network attribute ID.
Read-only property AttributeValueAtTime Value of this network element for the given network attribute ID and local time.
Read-only property AttributeValueByName Value of this network element for the given network attribute name.
Read-only property CoveredEdgeCount Returns the number of edges covered by this edge.
Read-only property Direction Direction in which this network edge element is oriented relative to the direction of its source object.
Read-only property EID Element ID for this network element.
Read-only property ElementType Type of this network element.
Read-only property FromAzimuth Direction of travel at the from-end of the network edge element.
Read-only property HasCoveringHyperedge Indicates if the network edge element has a covering hyperedge.
Read-only property IsHyperedge Indicates if the network edge element is a hyperedge.
Read-only property OID Object ID of the object corresponding to this network element.
Read-only property PartialEdgeAttributeValue Value of this edge element along the given range for the given network attribute ID.
Read-only property PartialEdgeAttributeValueAtTime Value of this partial edge element for the given network attribute ID and local.
Read-only property PositionAlongObject Position along the source object at which the specified position along the network edge element lies.
Method QueryCoveredEdge Used to iterate over the edges covered by this edge.
Method QueryCoveringHyperedge Queries the covering hyperedge of the network edge element and returns its related positions along the covering hyperedge.
Method QueryEdgeInOtherDirection Queries the network edge element corresponding to the reverse traversal of this network edge element.
Method QueryJunctions Queries the network junction elements adjacent to this network edge element.
Method QueryPositions Queries the positions along the source object at which the from-end and to-end of the network edge element lies.
Method QueryTurn Queries the index'th network turn element in which this network edge element participates.
Read-only property SourceID ID of the network dataset source from which this network element was derived.
Read-only property ToAzimuth Direction of travel at the to-end of the network edge element.
Read-only property TurnCount Number of network turn elements in which this network edge element participates.
Read-only property TurnParticipationType Participation of this network edge element within a network turn element.

INetworkEdge.AttributeValue Property

Value of this network element for the given network attribute ID.

Public Function get_AttributeValue ( _
    ByVal AttributeID As Integer _
) As Object
public object get_AttributeValue (
    int AttributeID

INetworkEdge.AttributeValueAtTime Property

Value of this network element for the given network attribute ID and local time.

Public Function get_AttributeValueAtTime ( _
    ByVal AttributeID As Integer, _
    ByVal localTime As DateTime, _
    ByVal timeUsage As esriNetworkTimeUsage _
) As Object
public object get_AttributeValueAtTime (
    int AttributeID,
    DateTime localTime,
    esriNetworkTimeUsage timeUsage

INetworkEdge.AttributeValueByName Property

Value of this network element for the given network attribute name.

Public Function get_AttributeValueByName ( _
    ByVal AttributeName As String _
) As Object
public object get_AttributeValueByName (
    string AttributeName

INetworkEdge.CoveredEdgeCount Property

Returns the number of edges covered by this edge.

Public ReadOnly Property CoveredEdgeCount As Integer
public int CoveredEdgeCount {get;}

INetworkEdge.Direction Property

Direction in which this network edge element is oriented relative to the direction of its source object.

Public ReadOnly Property Direction As esriNetworkEdgeDirection
public esriNetworkEdgeDirection Direction {get;}


The Direction property returns the direction of travel along this edge element relative to the digitized direction of the source feature. The direction of travel is either esriNEDAlongDigitized, meaning the direction of travel along the edge element is the same as the feature's direction of digitization, or esriNEDAgainstDigitized, meaning the direction of travel along the edge element is the opposite of the feature's direction of digitization.

INetworkEdge.EID Property

Element ID for this network element.

Public ReadOnly Property EID As Long
public long EID {get;}

INetworkEdge.ElementType Property

Type of this network element.

Public ReadOnly Property ElementType As esriNetworkElementType
public esriNetworkElementType ElementType {get;}

INetworkEdge.FromAzimuth Property

Direction of travel at the from-end of the network edge element.

Public ReadOnly Property FromAzimuth As Double
public double FromAzimuth {get;}


The FromAzimuth property indicates the direction of travel at the starting end of the edge element. For edge elements generated by an EdgeFeatureSource, the FromAzimuth and ToAzimuth values are measured clockwise in degrees relative to the positive Y-axis direction of the spatial reference of the network dataset.

INetworkEdge.HasCoveringHyperedge Property

Indicates if the network edge element has a covering hyperedge.

Public ReadOnly Property HasCoveringHyperedge As Boolean
public bool HasCoveringHyperedge {get;}

INetworkEdge.IsHyperedge Property

Indicates if the network edge element is a hyperedge.

Public ReadOnly Property IsHyperedge As Boolean
public bool IsHyperedge {get;}

INetworkEdge.OID Property

Object ID of the object corresponding to this network element.

Public ReadOnly Property OID As Long
public long OID {get;}

INetworkEdge.PartialEdgeAttributeValue Property

Value of this edge element along the given range for the given network attribute ID.

Public Function get_PartialEdgeAttributeValue ( _
    ByVal fromPosition As Double, _
    ByVal toPosition As Double, _
    ByVal AttributeID As Integer _
) As Object
public object get_PartialEdgeAttributeValue (
    double fromPosition,
    double toPosition,
    int AttributeID

INetworkEdge.PartialEdgeAttributeValueAtTime Property

Value of this partial edge element for the given network attribute ID and local.

Public Function get_PartialEdgeAttributeValueAtTime ( _
    ByVal fromPosition As Double, _
    ByVal toPosition As Double, _
    ByVal AttributeID As Integer, _
    ByVal localTime As DateTime, _
    ByVal timeUsage As esriNetworkTimeUsage _
) As Object
public object get_PartialEdgeAttributeValueAtTime (
    double fromPosition,
    double toPosition,
    int AttributeID,
    DateTime localTime,
    esriNetworkTimeUsage timeUsage

INetworkEdge.PositionAlongObject Property

Position along the source object at which the specified position along the network edge element lies.

Public Function get_PositionAlongObject ( _
    ByVal positionAlongElement As Double _
) As Double
public double get_PositionAlongObject (
    double positionAlongElement


The PositionAlongObject property determines, from the given positional value along the edge element, the corresponding positional value along the object from which this edge element was created. The positionAlongElement parameter and the PositionAlongObject value both range from 0.0 to 1.0.

For example, if the fromPosition and toPosition values from the QueryPositions method is 0.1 and 0.6 respectively, then the PositionAlongObject value for the positionAlongElement = 0.7 is equal to 70% of the way between 0.1 and 0.6, which is 0.45.

INetworkEdge.QueryCoveredEdge Method

Used to iterate over the edges covered by this edge.

Public Sub QueryCoveredEdge ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer, _
    ByVal Edge As INetworkEdge _
public void QueryCoveredEdge (
    int Index,
    INetworkEdge Edge

INetworkEdge.QueryCoveringHyperedge Method

Queries the covering hyperedge of the network edge element and returns its related positions along the covering hyperedge.

Public Sub QueryCoveringHyperedge ( _
    ByVal Edge As INetworkEdge, _
    ByRef fromPosition As Double, _
    ByRef toPosition As Double _
public void QueryCoveringHyperedge (
    INetworkEdge Edge,
    ref double fromPosition,
    ref double toPosition

INetworkEdge.QueryEdgeInOtherDirection Method

Queries the network edge element corresponding to the reverse traversal of this network edge element.

Public Sub QueryEdgeInOtherDirection ( _
    ByVal Edge As INetworkEdge _
public void QueryEdgeInOtherDirection (
    INetworkEdge Edge


The QueryEdgeInOtherDirection method retrieves the edge element in the opposite direction of travel as this edge.

This method requires an instantiated NetworkEdge object to be passed in as a parameter. You can create an empty NetworkEdge object by using the INetworkQuery::CreateNetworkElement method.

INetworkEdge.QueryJunctions Method

Queries the network junction elements adjacent to this network edge element.

Public Sub QueryJunctions ( _
    ByVal FromJunction As INetworkJunction, _
    ByVal ToJunction As INetworkJunction _
public void QueryJunctions (
    INetworkJunction FromJunction,
    INetworkJunction ToJunction


The QueryJunctions method retrieves the junction elements at the ends of this edge element.

This method requires two instantiated NetworkJunction objects to be passed in as a parameter. You can create an empty NetworkJunction object by using the INetworkQuery::CreateNetworkElement method.

INetworkEdge.QueryPositions Method

Queries the positions along the source object at which the from-end and to-end of the network edge element lies.

Public Sub QueryPositions ( _
    ByRef fromPosition As Double, _
    ByRef toPosition As Double _
public void QueryPositions (
    ref double fromPosition,
    ref double toPosition


The QueryPositions method queries the positional values along the source feature from which this edge element was created. The position values range from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is at the from-end of the feature and 1.0 is at the to-end of the feature.

If the Direction property is esriNEDAlongDigitized, then the fromPosition value will be less than or equal to the toPositionValue. If the Direction property is esriNEDAgainstDigitized, then the fromPosition value will be greater than or equal to the toPositionValue.

INetworkEdge.QueryTurn Method

Queries the index'th network turn element in which this network edge element participates.

Public Sub QueryTurn ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer, _
    ByVal Turn As INetworkTurn _
public void QueryTurn (
    int Index,
    INetworkTurn Turn


The QueryTurn method retrieves the turn element that traverses this edge at the specified index. The index values range from 0 to (TurnCount - 1).

The QueryTurn method requires an instantiated NetworkTurn object to be passed in as a parameter. You can create an empty NetworkTurn object by using the INetworkQuery::CreateNetworkElement method.

INetworkEdge.SourceID Property

ID of the network dataset source from which this network element was derived.

Public ReadOnly Property SourceID As Integer
public int SourceID {get;}

INetworkEdge.ToAzimuth Property

Direction of travel at the to-end of the network edge element.

Public ReadOnly Property ToAzimuth As Double
public double ToAzimuth {get;}


The ToAzimuth property indicates the direction of travel at the terminating end of the edge element. For edge elements generated by an EdgeFeatureSource, the FromAzimuth and ToAzimuth values are measured clockwise in degrees relative to the positive Y-axis direction of the spatial reference of the network dataset.

INetworkEdge.TurnCount Property

Number of network turn elements in which this network edge element participates.

Public ReadOnly Property TurnCount As Integer
public int TurnCount {get;}


The TurnCount property returns the number of turn elements that traverse this edge.

INetworkEdge.TurnParticipationType Property

Participation of this network edge element within a network turn element.

Public ReadOnly Property TurnParticipationType As esriNetworkTurnParticipationType
public esriNetworkTurnParticipationType TurnParticipationType {get;}

Classes that implement INetworkEdge

Classes Description


The INetworkEdge interface is used to access the properties of the network edge element, such as its direction of travel and azimuth values.

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