INetworkEvaluator Interface

Provides access to members that specify the properties of an attribute evaluator in a network dataset.


Network evaluators assign values to attributes in a network dataset. They are the mechanism to transfer attributes from source features to network elements.


Name Description
Read-only property CacheAttribute Indicates if this evaluator's values should be computed and stored when the network is built or computed at run time and never stored.
Read/write property Data The data used by this network evaluator for custom properties.
Read-only property DisplayName Name displayed in the user interface for this network evaluator.
Method IsTimeAware Indicates if this evaluator supports time aware queries
Read-only property Name Unique name of this network evaluator.
Read-only property RequiredFieldNames Required fields of this network evaluator.

INetworkEvaluator.CacheAttribute Property

Indicates if this evaluator's values should be computed and stored when the network is built or computed at run time and never stored.

Public ReadOnly Property CacheAttribute As Boolean
public bool CacheAttribute {get;}


The CacheAttribute property determines whether the values computed by this evaluator are stored in the logical network of the network dataset.

If the CacheAttribute property is set to True, then the attribute values are computed by the evaluator only when the network is built. The computed attribute values are then stored in the logical network. When a client queries for attribute values (such as during a network analysis), the attribute values are retrieved from the logical network.

If the CacheAttribute property is set to False, then the attribute values are computed by the evaluator whenever any client asks for an attribute value (such as during a network analysis). The computed attribute values are not stored in the logical network. Depending on the complexity of the evaluator, this operation can be much slower than looking up values stored in the logical network.

INetworkEvaluator.Data Property

The data used by this network evaluator for custom properties.

Public Property Data As IPropertySet
public IPropertySet Data {get; set;}

INetworkEvaluator.DisplayName Property

Name displayed in the user interface for this network evaluator.

Public ReadOnly Property DisplayName As String
public string DisplayName {get;}


The DisplayName is the name for the evaluator that will be displayed in the Type column of the Evaluators dialog in ArcCatalog.

INetworkEvaluator.IsTimeAware Method

Indicates if this evaluator supports time aware queries

Public Function IsTimeAware ( _
) As Boolean
public bool IsTimeAware (

INetworkEvaluator.Name Property

Unique name of this network evaluator.

Public ReadOnly Property Name As String
public string Name {get;}

INetworkEvaluator.RequiredFieldNames Property

Required fields of this network evaluator.

Public ReadOnly Property RequiredFieldNames As IStringArray
public IStringArray RequiredFieldNames {get;}

Classes that implement INetworkEvaluator

Classes Description
NetworkConstantEvaluator A container for describing a network attribute evaluator whose values are derived from a constant value.
NetworkEdgeTrafficEvaluator A container for members in time dependent travel time evaluator.
NetworkFieldEvaluator A container for describing a network attribute evaluator whose values are derived from object field attributes.
NetworkFunctionEvaluator A container for describing a network evaluator function.
NetworkGlobalTurnDelayEvaluator A container for describing a network attribute evaluator for global turn delay whose values are specified by global turn delay settings.
NetworkScriptEvaluator A container for describing a network attribute evaluator whose values are derived from VBScript expressions.
NetworkTransitEvaluator A container for describing a network attribute evaluator for transit whose values are specified by transit tables.


The INetworkEvaluator interface is used to access the properties of the network evaluator, such as its name.

To access the evaluator object for an existing evaluator assigned to a network dataset attribute, use the Evaluator or DefaultEvaluatormethods on the IEvaluatedNetworkAttribute interface.

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