IObjectClass Interface

Provides access to members that return information about an object class.

When To Use

The IObjectClassinterface is the main interface used to get the properties of an object class in a geodatabase. An object class is a feature class or table that has been registered with the geodatabase. For example, you can use the IObjectClassinterface to get a list of all the relationship classes in which an object class participates.


Name Description
Method AddField Adds a field to this object class.
Method AddIndex Adds an index to this object class.
Read-only property AliasName The alias name of the object class.
Read-only property CLSID The GUID for the COM Class (CoClass) corresponding to instances of this object class.
Method DeleteField Deletes a field from this object class.
Method DeleteIndex Deletes an index from this object class.
Read-only property EXTCLSID The GUID for the COM Class (CoClass) corresponding to the class extension for this object class.
Read-only property Extension The extension for this object class.
Read-only property ExtensionProperties The extension properties for this object class.
Read-only property Fields The fields collection for this object class.
Method FindField The index of the field with the specified name.
Read-only property HasOID Indicates if the class has an object identity (OID) field.
Read-only property Indexes The indexes collection for this object class.
Read-only property ObjectClassID The unique ID for the object class.
Read-only property OIDFieldName The name of the field corresponding to the OID.
Read-only property RelationshipClasses The relationship classes in which this object class participates in for the specified role.

IObjectClass.AliasName Property

The alias name of the object class.

Public ReadOnly Property AliasName As String
public string AliasName {get;}


Returns the alias name for the object class.


Object classes in a geodatabase can have between one and three names. The name of the object class, which is the same as the name of the table in the DBMS in which the objects in the object class are stored, the alias name which the user can set for display purposes in end user applications. The third name is the model name which is a tool for developers of custom objects to use to guarantee the names of objects independent of the true name or alias name.

The AliasNameproperty returns the alias name for the object class. If the object class has no alias name, then AliasNamewill return the name of the object class (fully qualified if on ArcSDE). The alias name can be modified using the IClassSchemEditinterface.

IObjectClass.ObjectClassID Property

The unique ID for the object class.

Public ReadOnly Property ObjectClassID As Integer
public int ObjectClassID {get;}


Returns the unique ID of the object class.


Each feature class or table registered with the geodatabase is an object class. Object classes have a unique ID which distinguishes them from other object classes in the geodatabase. The ObjectClassIDproperty returns this ID as a long. The object class ID is assigned by the system when the class is created, or registered with the geodatabase, it cannot be modified.

Those feature classes and tables that are in the database, but not registered with the geodatabase will always have an object class ID of -1.

IObjectClass.RelationshipClasses Property

The relationship classes in which this object class participates in for the specified role.

Public Function get_RelationshipClasses ( _
    ByVal Role As esriRelRole _
) As IEnumRelationshipClass
public IEnumRelationshipClass get_RelationshipClasses (
    esriRelRole Role


Returns an enumeration of the relationship classes in which the object class participates.


Object classes in a geodatabase may participate in any number of relationships classes. The RelationshipClassesproperty allows you to get a list of those relationship classes that the object class participates in by what role it plays (origin, destination, or either) defined by the esriRelRoleenumeration used when you call this property. This property returns a IEnumRelationshipClassinterface which you can use to loop through those relationship classes that are returned.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IClass Provides access to members that return information about and manage the class.

Classes that implement IObjectClass

Classes Description
FeatureClass Esri Feature Class object.
ObjectClass Esri Object Class object.
RasterBand (esriDataSourcesRaster) A representation of a single band of a raster dataset on disk.
RasterCatalog A collection of raster datasets in a Geodatabase table.
RelQueryTable An object that joins two datasets based on common data values.
XYEventSource XY event source object.


All object classes support the IObjectClassinterface and this interface inherits from the IClassinterface. The CLSID, EXTCLSID, and Extension for an ObjectClass may be obtained via the corresponding methods inherited from IClass.

For programming convenience, pre-existing tables in the host RDBMS also support the IObjectClassinterface even if they have not been registered with the Geodatabase. Such tables can be distinguished from registered object classes because they return an ObjectClassIDof -1 and return False to the HasOIDmethod. New object classes in a Geodatabase that are created using the CreateTablemethod on the IFeatureWorkspaceinterface are automatically registered with the Geodatabase and assigned an object class ID.

If no AliasName has been defined for an object class, then the AliasName is equal to the Name.

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