IObjectClassInfo Interface

Provides access to method that indicates whether an object can bypass the store method.


Name Description
Method CanBypassStoreMethod Indicates if updates to objects can bypass the Store method and OnChange notifications for efficiency.

IObjectClassInfo.CanBypassStoreMethod Method

Indicates if updates to objects can bypass the Store method and OnChange notifications for efficiency.

Public Function CanBypassStoreMethod ( _
) As Boolean
public bool CanBypassStoreMethod (


CanBypassStoreMethodis a convenience method that returns Trueif the instances of this object class have no custom behavior associated with creating or updating objects and if the object class does not participate in composite relationship classes or in relationship classes that require object notification. A return value of Trueimplies that insert cursors handed out by the geodatabase will internally bypass the CreateRowand Storemechanisms when creating objects. A return value of Falseindicates that insert cursors will not bypass custom Storeor OnChangedbehavior implemented by the custom row object for this class.

By default, this method returns Falsefor custom object classes. The developer of a custom object class can change this behavior by implementing this interface on the class extension associated with the class and returning Truefor the method.

In addition, a developer can implement this interface on the class extension of a simple class and set this property to False . Doing this will ensure that when features in the class are inserted, updated or deleted by editor tools that use insert and update cursors, such as Planarize, Create Features and the Object Loader do not bypass Storeor OnChanged behavior. By default, this property for a simple class is logically True, meaning these tools will not broacast Geodatabase events which in turn are not rebroadcast as editor events (for which a custom editor application may be listening). Set this to False for those classes for which you always want to have these events broadcast. Alternatively, this can be set globally for the entire edit session using the IWorkspaceEditControlinterface.

Classes that implement IObjectClassInfo

Classes Description
FeatureClass Esri Feature Class object.
ObjectClass Esri Object Class object.
RasterCatalog A collection of raster datasets in a Geodatabase table.
XYEventSource XY event source object.


The IObjectClassInfoand IObjectClassInfo2interfaces provide some additional information to IObjectClasson object classes that may be of interest to some applications.

CanBypassStoreMethodis a convenience method that returns Trueif the instances of this object class have no custom behavior associated with creating or updating objects and if the object class does not participate in composite relationship classes or in relationship classes that require object notification. A return value of Trueimplies that insert cursors handed out by the geodatabase will internally bypass the CreateRowand Storemechanisms when creating objects. A return value of Falseindicates that insert cursors will not bypass custom Storeor OnChangedbehavior implemented by the custom row object for this class.

Several geoprocessing tools (i.e. Calculate Field, Append, and Add Field) use insert cursors. For an extended class with custom behavior defined by the IObjectClassEvents interface to operate correctly with these tools, CanBypassStoreMethod should return false.

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