IRelativeMainlineLayout Interface

Provides access to members that control the Relative Mainline layout.


Name Description
Read/write property AlignmentAttributeName Indicates the name of the network attribute that is used to align lines that are split.
Read/write property BranchValues Indicates the TypeAttributeName values that identify the diagram edges that are branches.
Read/write property BreakPointAngle Indicates the angle comprised between 30° and 90° that is used to position the break point on the first and last segments of the edges; that is, on the edge segments parallel to the tree direction.
Read/write property CompressAlongDirection Indicates whether the graph is compressed to reduce the distances between adjacent groups of neighbor diagram junctions along the direction while maintaining relative positioning between these groups.
Read/write property CompressionRatio Percentage number that indicates the compression factor that is applied along the direction.
Read/write property Direction Indicates the direction of the main line.
Read/write property ExcludedValues Indicates the TypeAttributeName values that identify the diagram edges that are excluded from the straight lines (crossovers or laders).
Read/write property IsActive Indicates whether the network diagram layout is active.
Read/write property LengthAttributeName Indicates the name of the network attribute that holds the initial length of the diagram edges.
Read/write property LineAttributeName Indicates the name of the network attribute that is used to identify the lines that comprise the straight lines.
Read/write property MainlineValues Indicates the TypeAttributeName values that identify the diagram edges along the main lines.
Read/write property MinimalDistance Indicates the minimal distance between two adjacent groups of neighbor diagram junctions where compression can occur.
Read-only property Name The name of the network diagram layout.
Read/write property OffsetBetweenBranches Indicates the spacing between two adjacent branches along the axis perpendicular to the direction of the lines.
Read/write property PreserveContainers Indicates whether the network diagram layout must preserve the containers.
Read-only property PropertySet The network diagram layout parameters returned as a property set
Read/write property TypeAttributeName Indicates the name of the network attribute that is used to qualify the lines.

IRelativeMainlineLayout.AlignmentAttributeName Property

Indicates the name of the network attribute that is used to align lines that are split.

Public Property AlignmentAttributeName As String
public string AlignmentAttributeName {get; set;}

IRelativeMainlineLayout.BranchValues Property

Indicates the TypeAttributeName values that identify the diagram edges that are branches.

Public Property BranchValues As Object[]
public Object[] BranchValues {get; set;}

IRelativeMainlineLayout.BreakPointAngle Property

Indicates the angle comprised between 30° and 90° that is used to position the break point on the first and last segments of the edges; that is, on the edge segments parallel to the tree direction.

Public Property BreakPointAngle As Double
public double BreakPointAngle {get; set;}

IRelativeMainlineLayout.CompressAlongDirection Property

Indicates whether the graph is compressed to reduce the distances between adjacent groups of neighbor diagram junctions along the direction while maintaining relative positioning between these groups.

Public Property CompressAlongDirection As Boolean
public bool CompressAlongDirection {get; set;}

IRelativeMainlineLayout.CompressionRatio Property

Percentage number that indicates the compression factor that is applied along the direction.

Public Property CompressionRatio As Double
public double CompressionRatio {get; set;}

IRelativeMainlineLayout.Direction Property

Indicates the direction of the main line.

Public Property Direction As esriLayoutTreeDirection
public esriLayoutTreeDirection Direction {get; set;}

IRelativeMainlineLayout.ExcludedValues Property

Indicates the TypeAttributeName values that identify the diagram edges that are excluded from the straight lines (crossovers or laders).

Public Property ExcludedValues As Object[]
public Object[] ExcludedValues {get; set;}

IRelativeMainlineLayout.LengthAttributeName Property

Indicates the name of the network attribute that holds the initial length of the diagram edges.

Public Property LengthAttributeName As String
public string LengthAttributeName {get; set;}

IRelativeMainlineLayout.LineAttributeName Property

Indicates the name of the network attribute that is used to identify the lines that comprise the straight lines.

Public Property LineAttributeName As String
public string LineAttributeName {get; set;}

IRelativeMainlineLayout.MainlineValues Property

Indicates the TypeAttributeName values that identify the diagram edges along the main lines.

Public Property MainlineValues As Object[]
public Object[] MainlineValues {get; set;}

IRelativeMainlineLayout.MinimalDistance Property

Indicates the minimal distance between two adjacent groups of neighbor diagram junctions where compression can occur.

Public Property MinimalDistance As Double
public double MinimalDistance {get; set;}

IRelativeMainlineLayout.OffsetBetweenBranches Property

Indicates the spacing between two adjacent branches along the axis perpendicular to the direction of the lines.

Public Property OffsetBetweenBranches As Double
public double OffsetBetweenBranches {get; set;}

IRelativeMainlineLayout.TypeAttributeName Property

Indicates the name of the network attribute that is used to qualify the lines.

Public Property TypeAttributeName As String
public string TypeAttributeName {get; set;}

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
INetworkDiagramLayout Provides access to members that control the network diagram layout.

Classes that implement IRelativeMainlineLayout

Classes Description

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