IRouteEventProperties2 Interface

Provides access to the properties of an event table.


Name Description
Read/write property AddErrorField Indicates if the error field should be added to the field set.
Read/write property ErrorFieldName Name of the error field name.
Read/write property EventMeasureUnit The units of the event measure(s).
Read/write property EventRouteIDFieldName The route identifier field name.
Method GetSettingError The state of the object (see if all the required field names have been set).
Read-only property IsALineEvent Is a line event.
Read/write property LateralOffsetFieldName The lateral offset field name.
Read/write property MDirectionOffsetting Indicates if the offset should based onthe M direction or the digitized direction.

IRouteEventProperties2.AddErrorField Property

Indicates if the error field should be added to the field set.

Public Property AddErrorField As Boolean
public bool AddErrorField {get; set;}


This property allows you to add a non editable and dynamic field to the route event sourceto provide information about whether the events were located or not.

IRouteEventProperties2.ErrorFieldName Property

Name of the error field name.

Public Property ErrorFieldName As String
public string ErrorFieldName {get; set;}


If the _AddErrorField_property is set to True, this property is used to set the name of the field which will contain the locating errors.

IRouteEventProperties2.MDirectionOffsetting Property

Indicates if the offset should based onthe M direction or the digitized direction.

Public Property MDirectionOffsetting As Boolean
public bool MDirectionOffsetting {get; set;}

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IRouteEventProperties Provides access to the properties of an event table.

Classes that implement IRouteEventProperties2

Classes Description


The IRouteEventProperties2interface provides additional event properties such as adding error field to the route event source (AddErrorField_and _ErrorFieldName), as well as the ability to specify whether the lateral offset is in the direction of the increasing measure direction or digitize direction (MDirectionOffseting).

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