ISelectionSet2 Interface

Provides access to members that manage a set of selected table rows or features.


Name Description
Method Add Adds an object id to the selection set.
Method AddList Adds a list of object id's to the selection set.
Method Combine Combines this selection set with another selection set using the specified set operation.
Read-only property Count The number of oids in the selection set.
Read-only property FullName The full name of the selection set.
Read-only property IDs Enumerates the object ids in the selection set.
Method MakePermanent Makes the SelectionSet permanent. By default SelectionSets are deleted when released.
Method Refresh Refreshes the state of a snapshot selection.
Method RemoveList Removes a list of object id's from the selection set.
Method Search Returns a cursor that can be used to retrieve the objects specified by a query over this selection set.
Method Select Returns a new selection That contains the object ids selected by a query over this selection set.
Read-only property Target The Table or FeatureClass over which the selection set is defined.
Method Update Returns a cursor that can be used to update the objects specified by a query over this selection set.

ISelectionSet2.Update Method

Returns a cursor that can be used to update the objects specified by a query over this selection set.

Public Sub Update ( _
    ByVal QueryFilter As IQueryFilter, _
    ByVal Recycling As Boolean, _
    ByRef Cursor As ICursor _
public void Update (
    IQueryFilter QueryFilter,
    bool Recycling,
    ref ICursor Cursor


The Updatemethod returns an 'update' cursor that can be used to update or delete rows. It offers somewhat faster performance than multiple calls to Storeor Deleteon row objects fetched using a non-recycling search cursor for tables storing simple rows and simple features. There is no difference in performance for custom features.


All edits to features that participate in a Topology or Geometric Network must be bracketed within an edit operation.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ISelectionSet Provides access to members that manage a set of selected table rows or features.

Classes that implement ISelectionSet2

Classes Description
RelQueryTableSelectionSet Esri RelQueryTable Selection object.
SelectionSet Esri Selection Set object.

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