ISynchronizationHelper Interface

Provides access to helper functions for metadata synchronization.


Name Description
Method ExtractBriefEntityAttrProperties Extracts brief entity attribute properties from a Feature Class.
Method ExtractBriefRelationshipProperties Extracts brief entity attribute properties from a Relationship Class.
Method ExtractEntityAttrProperties Extracts entity attribute properties from a Feature Class.
Method ExtractFeatureClassProperties Extracts properties from a Feature Class.
Method ExtractRelationshipProperties Extracts entity attribute properties from a Relationship Class.
Method ExtractSpatialProperties Extracts spatial properties from a GeoDataset.
Method FinishSynchronization Call this after synchronizing.
Method PopulateDistributionProperties Populates distribution properties given a filename.
Method PopulateDistributionPropertiesForDatabase Populates distribution properties given a filename.
Method PopulateStaticProperties Fills in required properties.
Method StartSynchronization Call this before synchronizing.

ISynchronizationHelper.ExtractBriefEntityAttrProperties Method

Extracts brief entity attribute properties from a Feature Class.

Public Sub ExtractBriefEntityAttrProperties ( _
    ByVal geoDataset As IClass, _
    ByVal Index As Integer, _
    ByVal PropertySet As IPropertySet _
public void ExtractBriefEntityAttrProperties (
    IClass geoDataset,
    int Index,
    IPropertySet PropertySet

ISynchronizationHelper.ExtractBriefRelationshipProperties Method

Extracts brief entity attribute properties from a Relationship Class.

Public Sub ExtractBriefRelationshipProperties ( _
    ByVal RelationshipClass As IRelationshipClass, _
    ByVal Index As Integer, _
    ByVal PropertySet As IPropertySet _
public void ExtractBriefRelationshipProperties (
    IRelationshipClass RelationshipClass,
    int Index,
    IPropertySet PropertySet

ISynchronizationHelper.ExtractEntityAttrProperties Method

Extracts entity attribute properties from a Feature Class.

Public Sub ExtractEntityAttrProperties ( _
    ByVal geoDataset As IClass, _
    ByVal Index As Integer, _
    ByVal PropertySet As IPropertySet _
public void ExtractEntityAttrProperties (
    IClass geoDataset,
    int Index,
    IPropertySet PropertySet

ISynchronizationHelper.ExtractFeatureClassProperties Method

Extracts properties from a Feature Class.

Public Sub ExtractFeatureClassProperties ( _
    ByVal geoDataset As IFeatureClass, _
    ByVal Index As Integer, _
    ByVal PropertySet As IPropertySet _
public void ExtractFeatureClassProperties (
    IFeatureClass geoDataset,
    int Index,
    IPropertySet PropertySet

ISynchronizationHelper.ExtractRelationshipProperties Method

Extracts entity attribute properties from a Relationship Class.

Public Sub ExtractRelationshipProperties ( _
    ByVal RelationshipClass As IRelationshipClass, _
    ByVal Index As Integer, _
    ByVal PropertySet As IPropertySet _
public void ExtractRelationshipProperties (
    IRelationshipClass RelationshipClass,
    int Index,
    IPropertySet PropertySet

ISynchronizationHelper.ExtractSpatialProperties Method

Extracts spatial properties from a GeoDataset.

Public Sub ExtractSpatialProperties ( _
    ByVal geoDataset As IGeoDataset, _
    ByVal PropertySet As IPropertySet _
public void ExtractSpatialProperties (
    IGeoDataset geoDataset,
    IPropertySet PropertySet

ISynchronizationHelper.FinishSynchronization Method

Call this after synchronizing.

Public Sub FinishSynchronization ( _
    ByVal PropertySet As IPropertySet _
public void FinishSynchronization (
    IPropertySet PropertySet


FinishSynchronization indicates that the synchronization process is complete. Changes to the XML property set that occurred during synchronization are saved in the metadata document.

ISynchronizationHelper.PopulateDistributionProperties Method

Populates distribution properties given a filename.

Public Sub PopulateDistributionProperties ( _
    ByVal fileName As String, _
    ByVal fileType As String, _
    ByVal PropertySet As IPropertySet _
public void PopulateDistributionProperties (
    string fileName,
    string fileType,
    IPropertySet PropertySet

ISynchronizationHelper.PopulateDistributionPropertiesForDatabase Method

Populates distribution properties given a filename.

Public Sub PopulateDistributionPropertiesForDatabase ( _
    ByVal Dataset As IDataset, _
    ByVal PropertySet As IPropertySet _
public void PopulateDistributionPropertiesForDatabase (
    IDataset Dataset,
    IPropertySet PropertySet

ISynchronizationHelper.PopulateStaticProperties Method

Fills in required properties.

Public Sub PopulateStaticProperties ( _
    ByVal PropertySet As IPropertySet _
public void PopulateStaticProperties (
    IPropertySet PropertySet

ISynchronizationHelper.StartSynchronization Method

Call this before synchronizing.

Public Sub StartSynchronization ( _
    ByVal PropertySet As IPropertySet, _
    ByVal action As esriMetadataSyncAction, _
    ByVal interval As Integer, _
    ByRef Ok As Boolean _
public void StartSynchronization (
    IPropertySet PropertySet,
    esriMetadataSyncAction action,
    int interval,
    ref bool Ok


As with the IMetadata::Synchronize method, StartSynchronization uses the options defined in esriMetadataSyncAction to specify whether metadata will be created and elements will be modified based on whether or not the metadata already exists.

The interval parameter allows a minimum time (in seconds) to be provided between modifications. For example, if the interval parameter is set to 1000 when this method is called, the modification time of the property set will be checked, and if the difference between it and the current time is less than 1000 seconds, the synchronization "helping" will not begin (and the outbound Ok parameter will be set to false).

Ok indicates whether or not the synchronization helper was able to begin successfully.

Classes that implement ISynchronizationHelper

Classes Description
FGDCSynchronizationHelper FGDC Synchronization Helper.


ISynchronizationHelper may still be used to write FGDC format metadata, if desired. You may use any of the Populate or Extract methods to force specific aspects of the metadata to be synchronized. The methodswhose names begin Populate� write information into the metadata that relates to the processing environment, such as the version of ArcGIS software that is being used. The Extract� methods take an input object such as IRelationshipClass and write properties of this object into the metadata. Calls to the Extract or Populate methods should be preceded by StartSynchronization and proceeded by FinishSynchronization.

Most ArcObjects code will not need to use this interface, as it's already called by other ArcObjects components when needed.

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