ITinEdge Interface

Provides access to members that control TIN edges.


Name Description
Read-only property AzimuthDegrees The azimuthal direction of the specified edge beginning at the FromNode in degrees.
Read-only property AzimuthRadians The azimuthal direction of the specified edge beginning at the FromNode in radians.
Read-only property FromNode The originating node of the specified edge.
Method GetNeighbor Returns the corresponding edge of the triangle opposite to the specified edge.
Method GetNextCCW Returns the edge terminating at the FromNode of the specified edge.
Method GetNextCW Returns the edge beginning at the ToNode of the specified edge.
Method GetNextInTriangle Returns the next triangle sharing the FromNode of the specified edge in a clockwise direction.
Method GetPreviousInTriangle Returns the next triangle sharing the FromNode of the specified edge in a counter-clockwise direction.
Read-only property HasVoidZ Indicates whether the element contains z-less vertex.
Read-only property Index The element's index number.
Method Init Initializes a new TIN element.
Read-only property IsEmpty Indicates if the specified element is uninitialized.
Read-only property IsInsideDataArea Indicates if the specified element is within the interpolation zone of the TIN.
Read-only property IsInsideExtent Indicates whether the element is inside the specified envelope.
Method IsSameEdge Restricted.
Read-only property LeftTriangle The triangle on the left (opposite) side of the specified edge.
Read-only property Length The projected length of the specified edge.
Read-only property Length3D The length of the specified edge measured on the TIN surface.
Method QueryAsLine Sets the specified edge equal to a line.
Method QueryAsWKSPointZs Sets the specified edge equal to its nodes as points with z values.
Read-only property RightTriangle The triangle on the right side of the specified edge.
Method SetEmpty Uninitializes the element.
Read-only property TagValue The tag value of the specified element.
Read-only property TheTin The TIN object referenced by the element.
Read-only property ToNode The terminating node of the specified edge.
Read-only property Type The type of the specified edge.

ITinEdge.AzimuthDegrees Property

The azimuthal direction of the specified edge beginning at the FromNode in degrees.

Public ReadOnly Property AzimuthDegrees As Double
public double AzimuthDegrees {get;}


The _azimuth_represents the compass direction of the edge starting at the _from_node and heading toward the _to_node.

The returned value is in degrees.

ITinEdge.AzimuthRadians Property

The azimuthal direction of the specified edge beginning at the FromNode in radians.

Public ReadOnly Property AzimuthRadians As Double
public double AzimuthRadians {get;}


The _azimuth_represents the compass direction of the edge starting at the _from_node and heading toward the _to_node.

The returned value is in radians.

ITinEdge.FromNode Property

The originating node of the specified edge.

Public ReadOnly Property FromNode As ITinNode
public ITinNode FromNode {get;}


The FromNode_of an edge is the first node of an edge. It is equivalent to the _ToNode of the previous edge.

Each triangle in a TIN is comprised of three edges. The edges are oriented clockwise.

ITinEdge.GetNeighbor Method

Returns the corresponding edge of the triangle opposite to the specified edge.

Public Function GetNeighbor ( _
) As ITinEdge
public ITinEdge GetNeighbor (


A triangle is comprised of three edges. They are ordered clockwise one after another. So, the RightTriangle of an edge is the triangle the edge belongs to. An edge's neighboring edge is the edge of the _LeftTriangle_that shares the same nodes (although _from_and _to_are reversed).

GetNeighbor_will return _Nothing(a null pointer) when the edge is on the absolute boundary of the triangulation.

ITinEdge.GetNextCCW Method

Returns the edge terminating at the FromNode of the specified edge.

Public Function GetNextCCW ( _
) As ITinEdge
public ITinEdge GetNextCCW (


Returns the next edge, in a neighboring triangle, that is counter-clockwise to this edge relative to its _from_node. Consider the from node the center hub of a bicycle wheel and edges incident to it spokes. GetNextCCW returns the next spoke (edge) counter-clockwise.

This member is useful when you need to circle around nodes.

If the _from_node of an edge is one of the TIN's _super_nodes, GetNextCCW will return 'Nothing' (a null pointer) when there is no next edge due to the fact the absolute boundary has been reached.

ITinEdge.GetNextCW Method

Returns the edge beginning at the ToNode of the specified edge.

Public Function GetNextCW ( _
) As ITinEdge
public ITinEdge GetNextCW (


Returns the next edge, in a neighboring triangle, that is clockwise to this edge relative to its _from_node. Consider the from node the center hub of a bicycle wheel and edges incident to it spokes. GetNextCW returns the next spoke (edge) clockwise.

This member is useful when you need to circle around nodes.

If the _from_node of an edge is one of the TIN's _super_nodes, GetNextCW will return 'Nothing' (a null pointer) when there is no next edge due to the fact the absolute boundary has been reached.

ITinEdge.GetNextInTriangle Method

Returns the next triangle sharing the FromNode of the specified edge in a clockwise direction.

Public Function GetNextInTriangle ( _
) As ITinEdge
public ITinEdge GetNextInTriangle (


Returns the next edge ahead in the triangle. The next edge ahead is in the clockwise direction.

ITinEdge.GetPreviousInTriangle Method

Returns the next triangle sharing the FromNode of the specified edge in a counter-clockwise direction.

Public Function GetPreviousInTriangle ( _
) As ITinEdge
public ITinEdge GetPreviousInTriangle (


Returns the previous edge in the triangle. The previous edge is counter-clockwise to this edge.

ITinEdge.IsSameEdge Method


Public Function IsSameEdge ( _
    ByVal pEdge As ITinEdge _
) As Boolean
public bool IsSameEdge (
    ITinEdge pEdge

ITinEdge.LeftTriangle Property

The triangle on the left (opposite) side of the specified edge.

Public ReadOnly Property LeftTriangle As ITinTriangle
public ITinTriangle LeftTriangle {get;}


Edges are always ordered clockwise, one after the other, in the triangle to which they belong. Because of this, edges on the absolute boundary of a triangulation have no LeftTriangle. A null pointer, or 'Nothing', will be returned as the LeftTriangle for these edges.

ITinEdge.Length Property

The projected length of the specified edge.

Public ReadOnly Property Length As Double
public double Length {get;}


_Length_represents the 2-D distance between the _from_and _to_nodes of the edge. It takes into consideration only the X and Y coordinates.

ITinEdge.Length3D Property

The length of the specified edge measured on the TIN surface.

Public ReadOnly Property Length3D As Double
public double Length3D {get;}


_Length3D_represents the 3-D distance between the _from_and _to_nodes of the edge. It takes into consideration X, Y, and Z coordinates.

ITinEdge.QueryAsLine Method

Sets the specified edge equal to a line.

Public Sub QueryAsLine ( _
    ByVal pLine As ILine _
public void QueryAsLine (
    ILine pLine


Writes the _from_and _to_nodes of the edge as points to an existing, pre-instantiated, Line object.

ITinEdge.QueryAsWKSPointZs Method

Sets the specified edge equal to its nodes as points with z values.

Public Sub QueryAsWKSPointZs ( _
    ByRef pFrom As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pTo As WKSPointZ _
public void QueryAsWKSPointZs (
    ref WKSPointZ pFrom,
    ref WKSPointZ pTo


Writes the _from_and _to_nodes of the edge as points to existing WKSPointZ variables.

ITinEdge.RightTriangle Property

The triangle on the right side of the specified edge.

Public ReadOnly Property RightTriangle As ITinTriangle
public ITinTriangle RightTriangle {get;}

ITinEdge.ToNode Property

The terminating node of the specified edge.

Public ReadOnly Property ToNode As ITinNode
public ITinNode ToNode {get;}


The ToNode_of an edge is the second node of an edge. It is equivalent to the _FromNode of the next edge.

Each triangle in a TIN is comprised of three edges. The edges are oriented clockwise.

ITinEdge.Type Property

The type of the specified edge.

Public ReadOnly Property Type As esriTinEdgeType
public esriTinEdgeType Type {get;}


The _type_of an edge indicates whether or not it's an enforced breakline edge. If it's enforced the type will be equal to either esriTinHardEdge or esriTinSoftEdge. If it's not a breakline edge the type will equal esriTinRegularEdge.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ITinElement Provides access to members to control TIN elements.

Classes that implement ITinEdge

Classes Description
TinEdge The Esri TinEdge component.

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