ITinNode Interface

Provides access to members that control TIN nodes.


Name Description
Method GetAdjacentNodes Returns all nodes comprising triangles sharing the specified node.
Method GetIncidentEdges Returns all edges sharing the specified node.
Method GetIncidentTriangles Returns all triangles sharing the specified node.
Method GetVoronoiRegion Returns the Voronoi-polygon region of the specified node.
Read-only property HasVoidZ Indicates whether the element contains z-less vertex.
Read-only property Index The element's index number.
Method Init Initializes a new TIN element.
Read-only property IsEmpty Indicates if the specified element is uninitialized.
Read-only property IsInsideDataArea Indicates if the specified element is within the interpolation zone of the TIN.
Read-only property IsInsideExtent Indicates whether the element is inside the specified envelope.
Method IsSameNode Restricted.
Method QueryAsPoint Sets the node equal to a point.
Method QueryAsWKSPointZ Sets the node equal to a point with a z value.
Method SetEmpty Uninitializes the element.
Read-only property TagValue The tag value of the specified element.
Read-only property TheTin The TIN object referenced by the element.
Read-only property X The x-coordinate of the specified node.
Read-only property Y The y-coordinate of the specified node.
Read-only property Z The z-coordinate of the specified node.

ITinNode.GetAdjacentNodes Method

Returns all nodes comprising triangles sharing the specified node.

Public Function GetAdjacentNodes ( _
) As ITinNodeArray
public ITinNodeArray GetAdjacentNodes (


Returns a TinNodeArray containing nodes that are next to the given node. These adjacent nodes are connected to the given node by TIN edges.

ITinNode.GetIncidentEdges Method

Returns all edges sharing the specified node.

Public Function GetIncidentEdges ( _
) As ITinEdgeArray
public ITinEdgeArray GetIncidentEdges (


The edges returned in the TinEdgeArray all share this node as their _from_node.

ITinNode.GetIncidentTriangles Method

Returns all triangles sharing the specified node.

Public Function GetIncidentTriangles ( _
) As ITinTriangleArray
public ITinTriangleArray GetIncidentTriangles (


The returned TinTriangleArray will contain the set of triangles that are incident to, or surround, the given node. In other words, this node belongs to, and is referenced by, every triangle returned.

ITinNode.GetVoronoiRegion Method

Returns the Voronoi-polygon region of the specified node.

Public Function GetVoronoiRegion ( _
    ByVal pClippingPolygon As IPolygon _
) As IPolygon
public IPolygon GetVoronoiRegion (
    IPolygon pClippingPolygon


The Voronoi region (also known as Thiessen or proximal polygon) that is returned encloses an area that is closer to the source node than to any other node in the triangulation.

'Nothing' (a null pointer) can be passed as the clip polygon. In this case, a default rectangle will be used to clip the voronoi region. The rectangle is set to be somewhat larger than the FullExtent of the TIN.

GetVoronoiRegion used on a _super_node will return Nothing (a null pointer). Super nodes are added by the software when the TIN is initially created and reside far outside the declared data extent.

If you wish to process the entire TIN and write the output to a feature class consider ITinNodeCollection.ConvertToVoronoiRegions.

ITinNode.IsSameNode Method


Public Function IsSameNode ( _
    ByVal pNode As ITinNode _
) As Boolean
public bool IsSameNode (
    ITinNode pNode

ITinNode.QueryAsPoint Method

Sets the node equal to a point.

Public Sub QueryAsPoint ( _
    ByVal pPoint As IPoint _
public void QueryAsPoint (
    IPoint pPoint


Writes the X, Y, and Z values of the node to an existing, pre-instantiated, Point object. In some cases, such as in loops, it's faster to reuse and write to an existing Point object rather than to create a new one each iteration.

ITinNode.QueryAsWKSPointZ Method

Sets the node equal to a point with a z value.

Public Sub QueryAsWKSPointZ ( _
    ByRef pPoint As WKSPointZ _
public void QueryAsWKSPointZ (
    ref WKSPointZ pPoint


Writes the X, Y, and Z values of the node to a WKSPointZ variable.

ITinNode.X Property

The x-coordinate of the specified node.

Public ReadOnly Property X As Double
public double X {get;}

ITinNode.Y Property

The y-coordinate of the specified node.

Public ReadOnly Property Y As Double
public double Y {get;}

ITinNode.Z Property

The z-coordinate of the specified node.

Public ReadOnly Property Z As Double
public double Z {get;}


The super_nodes of a TIN have a Z value equal to _NODATA. Mathmatical operations cannot be performed on NODATA. You can check this case by passing the Z to ITinAdvanced.IsVoidZ, ISurface.IsVoidZ, or _ITinSurface.IsVoidZ_for evaluation.

A _super_node is one of four nodes added by the software when a TIN is initially created (ITinEdit.InitNew). They reside far outside the declared data extent and are used to define an initial triangulation before user data gets added. Triangles incident to these nodes are always flagged as being outside the TIN's interpolation zone or data area.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ITinElement Provides access to members to control TIN elements.

Classes that implement ITinNode

Classes Description
TinNode The Esri TinNode component.

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