ITinNode2 Interface

Provides access to members that control TIN nodes.


Name Description
Read-only property Degree The degree of the node.
Method GetAdjacentNodes Returns all nodes comprising triangles sharing the specified node.
Method GetIncidentEdges Returns all edges sharing the specified node.
Method GetIncidentTriangles Returns all triangles sharing the specified node.
Method GetVoronoiRegion Returns the Voronoi-polygon region of the specified node.
Read-only property HasVoidZ Indicates whether the element contains z-less vertex.
Method IncidentTriangle Returns any triangle having the node as one of it's vertices.
Method IncidentTriangleIndex Returns the index of any triangle having the node as one of it's vertices.
Read-only property Index The element's index number.
Method Init Initializes a new TIN element.
Read-only property IsEmpty Indicates if the specified element is uninitialized.
Read-only property IsInsideDataArea Indicates if the specified element is within the interpolation zone of the TIN.
Read-only property IsInsideExtent Indicates whether the element is inside the specified envelope.
Read-only property IsOnDomainBoundary Indicates if the specified node is on domain's boundary.
Method IsSameNode Restricted.
Method QueryAdjacentNodeIndices Returns all nodes connecting to the node.
Method QueryAsPoint Sets the node equal to a point.
Method QueryAsWKSPointZ Sets the node equal to a point with a z value.
Method QueryIncidentEdgeIndices Returns all edges sharing the node.
Method QueryIncidentTriangleIndices Returns all triangles sharing the node.
Method SetEmpty Uninitializes the element.
Read-only property Source The source of the node.
Read-only property TagValue The tag value of the specified element.
Read-only property TheTin The TIN object referenced by the element.
Read-only property X The x-coordinate of the specified node.
Read-only property Y The y-coordinate of the specified node.
Read-only property Z The z-coordinate of the specified node.

ITinNode2.Degree Property

The degree of the node.

Public Function get_Degree ( _
    ByVal bEnforcedEdgesOnly As Boolean _
) As Integer
public int get_Degree (
    bool bEnforcedEdgesOnly


The degree of a node is the number of edges that are incident to it.

When EnforcedEdgesOnly is set to TRUE only the number of incident edges that are classified as either hard or soft is returned. When set to FALSE all edges are used regardless of type.

A SingleEdge interpretation is used by this property.

ITinNode2.IncidentTriangle Method

Returns any triangle having the node as one of it's vertices.

Public Function IncidentTriangle ( _
) As ITinTriangle
public ITinTriangle IncidentTriangle (


Returns one of the triangles that is incident to the node. There is no fixed rule to determine which triangle it will be. You are just assured it will be one that is defined, in part, by the node.

ITinNode2.IncidentTriangleIndex Method

Returns the index of any triangle having the node as one of it's vertices.

Public Function IncidentTriangleIndex ( _
) As Integer
public int IncidentTriangleIndex (


Returns the index for one of the triangles incident to the node. There is no fixed rule to determine which triangle it will be. You are just assured it will be one that is defined, in part, by the node.

ITinNode2.IsOnDomainBoundary Property

Indicates if the specified node is on domain's boundary.

Public ReadOnly Property IsOnDomainBoundary As Boolean
public bool IsOnDomainBoundary {get;}


The TIN's domain is the same thing as its interpolation zone. IsOnDomainBoundary returns TRUE if the node is on this boundary, separating data from nodata areas.

ITinNode2.QueryAdjacentNodeIndices Method

Returns all nodes connecting to the node.

Public Sub QueryAdjacentNodeIndices ( _
    ByVal pNodes As ILongArray _
public void QueryAdjacentNodeIndices (
    ILongArray pNodes


Returns indices for nodes adjacent to the given node. These are its direct neighbors which are connected by triangle edges.

The passed object that implements ILongArray must have already been instantiated.

ITinNode2.QueryIncidentEdgeIndices Method

Returns all edges sharing the node.

Public Sub QueryIncidentEdgeIndices ( _
    ByVal pEdges As ILongArray _
public void QueryIncidentEdgeIndices (
    ILongArray pEdges


This populates a LongArray with the indices of edges that surround the node.

The passed LongArray must already have been instantiated.

A single edge interpretation is used. This is where edges between adjacent triangles are shared.

Only edges that have their from node in common with the specified node are returned. Because of this, some boundary edges incident to super nodes will have no representation.

ITinNode2.QueryIncidentTriangleIndices Method

Returns all triangles sharing the node.

Public Sub QueryIncidentTriangleIndices ( _
    ByVal pTriangles As ILongArray _
public void QueryIncidentTriangleIndices (
    ILongArray pTriangles


Returns indices for triangles incident to the node.

The passed object that implements ILongArray must have already been instantiated.

ITinNode2.Source Property

The source of the node.

Public ReadOnly Property Source As esriTinNodeSourceType
public esriTinNodeSourceType Source {get;}


The source of a node is in reference to where it came from; its origin. An enumeration defines the possibilities:

esriTinDensified - added by the triangulator along a breakline so that it may be Delaunay conforming.

esriTinIntersection - added by the triangulator where breaklines intersect.

esriTinOriginal - a mass point or breakline vertex handed to the triangulator as user data.

esriTinSuperNode - one of 4 nodes added far outside the declared data extent when a TIN is first created.

esriTinUnknown - undefined/unspecified, probably coming from a TIN stored on disk.

TINs do not yet persist node source information. It is only maintained while the TIN is is edit mode. This means after a TIN has been saved to disk, all nodes, except for super nodes, become unknown.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ITinNode Provides access to members that control TIN nodes.
ITinElement Provides access to members to control TIN elements.

Classes that implement ITinNode2

Classes Description
TinNode The Esri TinNode component.

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