ITinPolygon Interface

Provides access to members that control TIN polygon characteristics.


Name Description
Method AsEdges The specified polygon as triangle edges.
Method AsNodes The specified polygon as TIN nodes.
Method AsPolygon The specified polygon as polygon geometry.
Method AsTriangles The specified polygon as its constituent triangles.
Method GetBoundaryEdgeType Restricted.

ITinPolygon.AsEdges Method

The specified polygon as triangle edges.

Public Function AsEdges ( _
) As IEnumTinEdge
public IEnumTinEdge AsEdges (

ITinPolygon.AsNodes Method

The specified polygon as TIN nodes.

Public Function AsNodes ( _
) As IEnumTinNode
public IEnumTinNode AsNodes (


Returns a node enumerator representing the nodes around the polygon exterior.

The resulting enumerator will return nodes in ordered sequence, ring by ring. The end of each ring is indicated by repeating the first node of the ring.

ITinPolygon.AsPolygon Method

The specified polygon as polygon geometry.

Public Function AsPolygon ( _
    ByVal pNodeFilter As ITinFilter, _
    ByVal bGetZ As Boolean _
) As IPolygon
public IPolygon AsPolygon (
    ITinFilter pNodeFilter,
    bool bGetZ


The returned polygon has not been topologically simplified for the sake of performance. For example, you may just want to draw the polygon. Drawing doesn't require simplification. If you'll be performing topological operations on the polygon you will need to call ITopologicalOperator.Simplify.

The filter argument can be NULL ('Nothing' in VB) if no filtering is desired.

ITinPolygon.AsTriangles Method

The specified polygon as its constituent triangles.

Public Function AsTriangles ( _
) As IEnumTinTriangle
public IEnumTinTriangle AsTriangles (

ITinPolygon.GetBoundaryEdgeType Method


Public Sub GetBoundaryEdgeType ( _
    ByRef pType As esriTinEdgeType _
public void GetBoundaryEdgeType (
    ref esriTinEdgeType pType

Classes that implement ITinPolygon

Classes Description
TinPolygon The Esri TinPolygon component.

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