ITinSurface Interface

Provides access to members that control TIN surfaces.


Name Description
Method AsPolygons Converts the surface to a polygon feature class representing slope or aspect.
Read-only property CanDoCurvature Indicates if earth curvature can be applied.
Method Contour Output contours based on the specified root value and interval.
Method ContourList Output a list of contours corresponding to the specified eleveation values.
Read-only property Domain The interpolation domain of the surface.
Method FindNormal Restricted.
Method GetAspectDegrees Returns the aspect at the specified location in degrees.
Method GetAspectRadians Returns the aspect at the specified location in radians.
Method GetContour Returns a countour passing through the queried point.
Method GetElevation Returns the z value of the specified location.
Method GetIntensity Returns the hillshade brightness value of the plane defined by the three points.
Method GetLineOfSight Computes the visibility of a line-of-sight from the observer to the target.
Method GetNormal Returns the normal vector to the specified location.
Method GetPartialVolumeAndArea Returns portion of the TIN's volume above or below an input z value.
Method GetProfile Returns a polyline with z values interpolated from the surface.
Method GetProjectedArea Returns the projected area of the surface above or below an input z value.
Method GetSlopeDegrees Returns the slope at the specified location in degrees.
Method GetSlopePercent Returns the slope at the specified location in percent.
Method GetSlopeRadians Returns the slope at the specified location in radians.
Method GetSteepestPath Returns the steepest path downhill from the specified point.
Method GetSurfaceArea Returns the area measured on its surface above or below an input z value.
Method GetSurfaceElement Returns the surface element at the specified location.
Method GetTriAspectDegrees Restricted.
Method GetTriAspectRadians Restricted.
Method GetTriNormal Restricted.
Method GetTriSlopeDegrees Restricted.
Method GetTriSlopePercent Restricted.
Method GetTriSlopeRadians Restricted.
Method GetUnitTriNormal Restricted.
Method GetVolume Returns the volume above or below an input z value.
Method InterpolateShape Interpolates z values for a defined geometric shape.
Method InterpolateShapeVertices Interpolates z values for a defined geometric shape at its vertices only.
Method IsVoidZ Returns TRUE if the passed value is equal to the surface's void value.
Method Locate Returns the intersection of the query ray and the surface.
Method LocateAll Returns the distances of intersections of the query ray and the surface.
Method QueryElevationBand Restricted.
Method QueryNormal Returns the vector normal to the specified triangle.
Method QueryPixelBlock Derives slope, aspect, hillshade, or elevation from the input surface and writes the result to the provided PixelBlock.
Method QuerySurfaceLength Returns the length of an input polyline measured on the surface.
Read/write property RasterInterpolationMethod The elevation interpolation method for rasterization.
Read/write property SunPosition The vector indicating the direction of the light source relative to the scene.
Read-only property Z The surface Z = f(x,y).
Read/write property ZFactor Multiplication factor applied to all z values to provide unit-congruency between coordinate components.

ITinSurface.GetIntensity Method

Returns the hillshade brightness value of the plane defined by the three points.

Public Function GetIntensity ( _
    ByRef pPi As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPj As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPk As WKSPointZ _
) As Double
public double GetIntensity (
    ref WKSPointZ pPi,
    ref WKSPointZ pPj,
    ref WKSPointZ pPk

ITinSurface.GetPartialVolumeAndArea Method

Returns portion of the TIN's volume above or below an input z value.

Public Sub GetPartialVolumeAndArea ( _
    ByVal referenceHeight As Double, _
    ByVal Type As esriPlaneReferenceType, _
    ByVal pTriangles As IEnumTinTriangle, _
    [ByRef pVolume As Object], _
    [ByRef pSurfaceArea As Object], _
    [ByRef pProjectedArea As Object] _
public void GetPartialVolumeAndArea (
    double referenceHeight,
    esriPlaneReferenceType Type,
    IEnumTinTriangle pTriangles,
    ref object pVolume,
    ref object pSurfaceArea,
    ref object pProjectedArea


Calculates projected area, surface area, and/or volume relative to a given reference height and collection of triangles.

reference is the height against which area and volume statistics will be gathered. Height is used to define a horizontal plane. Area and volume is calculated per triangle and the values are summed for all triangles to produce the results.

esriPlaneReferenceType can be set to esriPlaneReferenceAbove or esriPlaneReferenceBelow. When set to esriPlaneReferenceAbove projected area and surface area is calculated for the portion of each triangle that falls above the plane. Triangles, or portions of triangles, that fall below the plane are excluded. Volume is calculated for the cubic area between the top of the reference plane and the underside of triangles above it. When the plane type is set to esriPlaneReferenceBelow the opposite action takes place. Area is calculated for triangles, or portions of triangles, that are below the plane. Volume is the cubic area between the underside of the plane and the tops of triangles that fall below it.

pTriangles is a triangle enumerator that determines which triangles are involved in the calculation. This enables analysis on a sub-portion of the TIN because only triangles passed by the enumerator are used. Alternately, if you want to perform the operation on the entire TIN use ISurface.GetProjectedArea, ISurface.GetSurfaceArea, or ISurface.GetVolume.

Volume, SurfaceArea, and ProjectedArea are optional double variables that are the output results. Only specify the ones you're interested in to avoid unnecessary computation.

ITinSurface.GetSurfaceElement Method

Returns the surface element at the specified location.

Public Function GetSurfaceElement ( _
    ByVal pPoint As IPoint _
) As ITinSurfaceElement
public ITinSurfaceElement GetSurfaceElement (
    IPoint pPoint


A surface element contains information about the TIN and the surface it defines specific to a given point position. It maintains the surface attributes of elevation, slope, and aspect, as well as the the index and tag value of the containing triangle, and the index and tag value of the closest node in the containing triangle.

The element is constructed from the triangle containing the query point. If the query point falls on a triangle edge, one of the triangles on either side is picked randomly by the software. If the query point falls on a TIN node the triangle used is picked randomnly from those incident to the node.

A Nil pointer (nothing) is returned when the query point falls outside the interpolation zone.

ITinSurface.GetTriAspectDegrees Method


Public Function GetTriAspectDegrees ( _
    ByRef pPi As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPj As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPk As WKSPointZ _
) As Double
public double GetTriAspectDegrees (
    ref WKSPointZ pPi,
    ref WKSPointZ pPj,
    ref WKSPointZ pPk

ITinSurface.GetTriAspectRadians Method


Public Function GetTriAspectRadians ( _
    ByRef pPi As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPj As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPk As WKSPointZ _
) As Double
public double GetTriAspectRadians (
    ref WKSPointZ pPi,
    ref WKSPointZ pPj,
    ref WKSPointZ pPk

ITinSurface.GetTriNormal Method


Public Function GetTriNormal ( _
    ByRef pPi As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPj As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPk As WKSPointZ _
) As WKSPointZ
public WKSPointZ GetTriNormal (
    ref WKSPointZ pPi,
    ref WKSPointZ pPj,
    ref WKSPointZ pPk

ITinSurface.GetTriSlopeDegrees Method


Public Function GetTriSlopeDegrees ( _
    ByRef pPi As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPj As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPk As WKSPointZ _
) As Double
public double GetTriSlopeDegrees (
    ref WKSPointZ pPi,
    ref WKSPointZ pPj,
    ref WKSPointZ pPk

ITinSurface.GetTriSlopePercent Method


Public Function GetTriSlopePercent ( _
    ByRef pPi As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPj As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPk As WKSPointZ _
) As Double
public double GetTriSlopePercent (
    ref WKSPointZ pPi,
    ref WKSPointZ pPj,
    ref WKSPointZ pPk

ITinSurface.GetTriSlopeRadians Method


Public Function GetTriSlopeRadians ( _
    ByRef pPi As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPj As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPk As WKSPointZ _
) As Double
public double GetTriSlopeRadians (
    ref WKSPointZ pPi,
    ref WKSPointZ pPj,
    ref WKSPointZ pPk

ITinSurface.GetUnitTriNormal Method


Public Function GetUnitTriNormal ( _
    ByRef pPi As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPj As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPk As WKSPointZ _
) As WKSPointZ
public WKSPointZ GetUnitTriNormal (
    ref WKSPointZ pPi,
    ref WKSPointZ pPj,
    ref WKSPointZ pPk

ITinSurface.QueryElevationBand Method


Public Sub QueryElevationBand ( _
    ByRef pPi As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPj As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPk As WKSPointZ, _
    ByVal zLowerBound As Double, _
    ByVal zUpperBound As Double, _
    ByRef pCount As Integer, _
    ByRef pRegion As WKSPointZ _
public void QueryElevationBand (
    ref WKSPointZ pPi,
    ref WKSPointZ pPj,
    ref WKSPointZ pPk,
    ref double zLowerBound,
    ref double zUpperBound,
    ref int pCount,
    ref WKSPointZ pRegion

ITinSurface.RasterInterpolationMethod Property

The elevation interpolation method for rasterization.

Public Property RasterInterpolationMethod As esriSurfaceInterpolationType
public esriSurfaceInterpolationType RasterInterpolationMethod {get; set;}


The interpolation method used when converting a TIN to a raster using ITinSurface.QueryPixelBlock.

esriSurfaceInterpolationType can be set to either esriLinearInterpolation or esriNaturalNeighborInterpolation.

Linear interpolation considers each triangle as a flat plane. For each cell center in the output raster the encompassing triangle is found and the height for the location on the plane is determined.

Natural neighbor interpolation uses an area based weighting scheme to calculate height for output raster cell centers and produces smoother results than linear interpolation. The closest TIN nodes in all directions found for each raster cell center are used in the calculation. Hard breaklines present in the TIN will influence results as the surface definition is not continuously smooth across them with this interpolator.

ITinSurface.SunPosition Property

The vector indicating the direction of the light source relative to the scene.

Public Property SunPosition As WKSPointZ
public WKSPointZ SunPosition {get; set;}

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ISurface Provides access to members that control surfaces.
IFunctionalSurface Provides access to information about the functional surface, generating heights given x,y locations. Also see IFunctionalSurface2.

Classes that implement ITinSurface

Classes Description
Tin The Esri TIN component.

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