ITinTriangle Interface

Provides access to members that control TIN triangles.


Name Description
Read-only property Area The projected area of the specified TIN triangle.
Read-only property Area3D The area of the specified triangle as measured on the TIN surface.
Read-only property AspectDegrees The aspect of the specified triangle in degrees.
Read-only property AspectRadians The aspect of the specified triangle in radians.
Read-only property Edge The triangle edge specified by the index.
Read-only property HasVoidZ Indicates whether the element contains z-less vertex.
Read-only property Index The element's index number.
Method Init Initializes a new TIN element.
Read-only property Intensity The brightness value of the specified triangle.
Read-only property IsEmpty Indicates if the specified element is uninitialized.
Read-only property IsInsideDataArea Indicates if the specified element is within the interpolation zone of the TIN.
Read-only property IsInsideExtent Indicates whether the element is inside the specified envelope.
Method IsSameTriangle Restricted.
Read-only property Node The triangle node specified by the index.
Read-only property Normal The vector normal to the specified triangle.
Read-only property Perimeter The projected perimeter of the specified TIN triangle.
Read-only property Perimeter3D The perimeter of the specified triangle as measured on the TIN surface.
Method QueryAdjacentTriangleIndices An array of index numbers belonging to triangles adjacent to the specified triangle.
Method QueryAdjacentTriangles The array of triangles adjacent to the specified triangle.
Method QueryAsRing Sets the specified triangle as a ring.
Method QueryCentroid The centroid of the specified triangle as determined by averaging the coordinates of its vertices.
Method QueryCircumCircle The circle circumscribing the specified triangle about its vertices.
Method QueryElevationBand The polygon based on the specified triangle and input bounds.
Method QueryNormal The vector normal to the specified triangle.
Method QueryVertices The vertices of the specified triangle as point features.
Method SetEmpty Uninitializes the element.
Read-only property SlopeDegrees The slope of the specified triangle in degrees.
Read-only property SlopePercent The slope of the specified triangle in percent.
Read-only property SlopeRadians The slope of the specified triangle in radians.
Read-only property TagValue The tag value of the specified element.
Read-only property TheTin The TIN object referenced by the element.
Read-only property UnitNormal The vector normal to the specified triangle, adjusted to a magnitude of one.

ITinTriangle.Area Property

The projected area of the specified TIN triangle.

Public ReadOnly Property Area As Double
public double Area {get;}


The returned value is the 2-D area of the triangle.

ITinTriangle.Area3D Property

The area of the specified triangle as measured on the TIN surface.

Public ReadOnly Property Area3D As Double
public double Area3D {get;}


The returned value is the surface area of the triangle. It takes into consideration the 3-D nature of the triangle. The surface area will always equal to or larger than the 2-D, or projected, area. The larger the difference between 2-D and 3-D areas, the steeper the triangle.

ITinTriangle.AspectDegrees Property

The aspect of the specified triangle in degrees.

Public ReadOnly Property AspectDegrees As Double
public double AspectDegrees {get;}


The aspect is the compass direction of the steepest downhill slope of the triangle. A value of 0 degrees is due north, 90 degrees due east, 180 degrees due south, 270 degrees due west, etc.

ITinTriangle.AspectRadians Property

The aspect of the specified triangle in radians.

Public ReadOnly Property AspectRadians As Double
public double AspectRadians {get;}

ITinTriangle.Edge Property

The triangle edge specified by the index.

Public Function get_Edge ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer _
) As ITinEdge
public ITinEdge get_Edge (
    int Index


Pass 0, 1, or 2 to indicate which triangle edge you're interested in acquiring. This is an index local to the triangle and has a base of 0. The returned edge is a standard TinEdge and the value of its index will be relative to the entire TIN.

ITinTriangle.Intensity Property

The brightness value of the specified triangle.

Public ReadOnly Property Intensity As Double
public double Intensity {get;}

ITinTriangle.IsSameTriangle Method


Public Function IsSameTriangle ( _
    ByVal pTriangle As ITinTriangle _
) As Boolean
public bool IsSameTriangle (
    ITinTriangle pTriangle

ITinTriangle.Node Property

The triangle node specified by the index.

Public Function get_Node ( _
    ByVal Index As Integer _
) As ITinNode
public ITinNode get_Node (
    int Index


Pass 0, 1, or 2 to indicate which triangle node you're interested in acquiring. This is an index local to the triangle and has a base of 0. The returned node is a standard TinNode and the value of its index will be relative to the entire TIN.

ITinTriangle.Normal Property

The vector normal to the specified triangle.

Public ReadOnly Property Normal As WKSPointZ
public WKSPointZ Normal {get;}

ITinTriangle.Perimeter Property

The projected perimeter of the specified TIN triangle.

Public ReadOnly Property Perimeter As Double
public double Perimeter {get;}


The returned value represents the 2-D distance around the triangle boundary.

ITinTriangle.Perimeter3D Property

The perimeter of the specified triangle as measured on the TIN surface.

Public ReadOnly Property Perimeter3D As Double
public double Perimeter3D {get;}


The returned value represents the 3-D distance around the triangle boundary.

ITinTriangle.QueryAdjacentTriangleIndices Method

An array of index numbers belonging to triangles adjacent to the specified triangle.

Public Sub QueryAdjacentTriangleIndices ( _
    ByRef pTi As Integer, _
    ByRef pTj As Integer, _
    ByRef pTk As Integer _
public void QueryAdjacentTriangleIndices (
    ref int pTi,
    ref int pTj,
    ref int pTk


Provides the index values of the three triangles on the opposite sides of the edges of this triangle. Triangles that border the TIN's extreme perimeter will not have adjacent triangles on all sides. The indices returned for these will be 0.

ITinTriangle.QueryAdjacentTriangles Method

The array of triangles adjacent to the specified triangle.

Public Sub QueryAdjacentTriangles ( _
    ByVal pTi As ITinTriangle, _
    ByVal pTj As ITinTriangle, _
    ByVal pTk As ITinTriangle _
public void QueryAdjacentTriangles (
    ITinTriangle pTi,
    ITinTriangle pTj,
    ITinTriangle pTk


Provides the three triangles on the opposite sides of the edges of this triangle. The three passed triangle objects must have already been instantiated. They will be written to.

Triangles that border the TIN's extreme perimeter will not have adjacent triangles on all sides. IsEmpty will return True for the passed triangles that are undefined because of this condition.

ITinTriangle.QueryAsRing Method

Sets the specified triangle as a ring.

Public Sub QueryAsRing ( _
    ByVal pRing As IRing _
public void QueryAsRing (
    IRing pRing


Writes the triangle's X, Y, and Z node coordinates as points to an existing, pre-instantiated, Ring object.

ITinTriangle.QueryCentroid Method

The centroid of the specified triangle as determined by averaging the coordinates of its vertices.

Public Sub QueryCentroid ( _
    ByVal pCentroid As IPoint _
public void QueryCentroid (
    IPoint pCentroid


Writes the triangle centroid, as defined by averaging its node coordinates, to an existing Point object. You must instantiate the Point before calling QueryCentroid. For example,

Dim pPoint as IPoint
Set pPoint = New Point

ITinTriangle.QueryCircumCircle Method

The circle circumscribing the specified triangle about its vertices.

Public Sub QueryCircumCircle ( _
    ByVal pCenter As IPoint, _
    ByRef pRadius As Double _
public void QueryCircumCircle (
    IPoint pCenter,
    ref double pRadius


A triangle's circumcircle is the circle whose boundary passes through all three of the triangle's nodes.

The center of the circle is written to an existing, pre-instantiated, Point object. The radius is written to a double variable.

ITinTriangle.QueryElevationBand Method

The polygon based on the specified triangle and input bounds.

Public Sub QueryElevationBand ( _
    ByVal zLowerBound As Double, _
    ByVal zUpperBound As Double, _
    ByRef pCount As Integer, _
    ByRef pRegion As WKSPointZ _
public void QueryElevationBand (
    double zLowerBound,
    double zUpperBound,
    ref int pCount,
    ref WKSPointZ pRegion


Returns a 3-D polygonal definition for the area of the triangle that falls within the specified ZMin and ZMax. The returned count indicates how many vertices define the area. The vertices are written to the passed WKSPointZ array.

ITinTriangle.QueryNormal Method

The vector normal to the specified triangle.

Public Sub QueryNormal ( _
    ByVal pNormal As IVector3D _
public void QueryNormal (
    IVector3D pNormal


You must pass an existing, pre-instantiated, IVector3D object. The X, Y, and Z component values of the vector orthogonal to the plane defined by the triangle will be written to the passed vector.

The magnitude of the vector is set relative to the size of the triangle.

ITinTriangle.QueryVertices Method

The vertices of the specified triangle as point features.

Public Sub QueryVertices ( _
    ByRef pPi As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPj As WKSPointZ, _
    ByRef pPk As WKSPointZ _
public void QueryVertices (
    ref WKSPointZ pPi,
    ref WKSPointZ pPj,
    ref WKSPointZ pPk


Writes the X, Y, and Z coordinates of a triangle's nodes to WKSPointZ variables.

ITinTriangle.SlopeDegrees Property

The slope of the specified triangle in degrees.

Public ReadOnly Property SlopeDegrees As Double
public double SlopeDegrees {get;}


Slope is the steepness of the triangle. The value of SlopeDegrees will be >= 0 and < 90. A slope of 100% is equivalent to 45 degrees (1 unit change in Z for 1 unit change in XY).

ITinTriangle.SlopePercent Property

The slope of the specified triangle in percent.

Public ReadOnly Property SlopePercent As Double
public double SlopePercent {get;}


Slope is the steepness of the triangle. The value of SlopePercent will be >= 0 and < infinity. A slope of 100% is equivalent to 45 degrees (1 unit change in Z for 1 unit change in XY).

ITinTriangle.SlopeRadians Property

The slope of the specified triangle in radians.

Public ReadOnly Property SlopeRadians As Double
public double SlopeRadians {get;}

ITinTriangle.UnitNormal Property

The vector normal to the specified triangle, adjusted to a magnitude of one.

Public ReadOnly Property UnitNormal As WKSPointZ
public WKSPointZ UnitNormal {get;}

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
ITinElement Provides access to members to control TIN elements.

Classes that implement ITinTriangle

Classes Description
TinTriangle The Esri TinTriangle component.

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