ITracer Interface

Provides access to a network tracer.


Name Description
Method AddTraceLocation Adds a trace location.
Method AddTraceLocationForEdgeFeatures Adds trace location for edge features.
Method AddTraceLocationForJunctionFeatures Adds trace location for junction features.
Method AddTraceLocations Adds trace locations.
Method AddTraceLocationsFromGeometries Add the given geometries as trace locations.
Method DeleteTraceLocations Deletes all trace locations.
Method Initialize Initializes the tracer.
Read/write property ResultTypes Returns the result types.
Method Trace Execute the given trace.
Read/write property TraceConfiguration Returns trace configuration.
Read/write property TraceConfigurationGlobalID Returns trace configuration global ID.
Method TraceEx Execute the given trace.
Read-only property TraceLocations Returns trace locations.

ITracer.AddTraceLocation Method

Adds a trace location.

Public Sub AddTraceLocation ( _
    ByVal Type As esriTraceLocationType, _
    ByVal ElementType As esriElementType, _
    ByVal EID As Long _
public void AddTraceLocation (
    esriTraceLocationType Type,
    esriElementType ElementType,
    long EID

ITracer.AddTraceLocationForEdgeFeatures Method

Adds trace location for edge features.

Public Sub AddTraceLocationForEdgeFeatures ( _
    ByVal Type As esriTraceLocationType, _
    ByVal edgeGlobalIDs As IStringArray, _
    ByVal percentAlongLengths As IDoubleArray _
public void AddTraceLocationForEdgeFeatures (
    esriTraceLocationType Type,
    IStringArray edgeGlobalIDs,
    IDoubleArray percentAlongLengths

ITracer.AddTraceLocationForJunctionFeatures Method

Adds trace location for junction features.

Public Sub AddTraceLocationForJunctionFeatures ( _
    ByVal Type As esriTraceLocationType, _
    ByVal junctionGlobalIDs As IStringArray, _
    ByVal TerminalIDs As ILongArray _
public void AddTraceLocationForJunctionFeatures (
    esriTraceLocationType Type,
    IStringArray junctionGlobalIDs,
    ILongArray TerminalIDs

ITracer.AddTraceLocations Method

Adds trace locations.

Public Sub AddTraceLocations ( _
    ByVal Type As esriTraceLocationType, _
    ByVal ElementTypes As esriElementType[], _
    ByVal EIDs As Int64[] _
public void AddTraceLocations (
    esriTraceLocationType Type,
    esriElementType[] ElementTypes,
    Int64[] EIDs

ITracer.AddTraceLocationsFromGeometries Method

Add the given geometries as trace locations.

Public Sub AddTraceLocationsFromGeometries ( _
    ByVal Type As esriTraceLocationType, _
    ByVal geometries As IArray _
public void AddTraceLocationsFromGeometries (
    esriTraceLocationType Type,
    IArray geometries

ITracer.DeleteTraceLocations Method

Deletes all trace locations.

Public Sub DeleteTraceLocations ( _
    ByVal Type As esriTraceLocationType _
public void DeleteTraceLocations (
    esriTraceLocationType Type

ITracer.Initialize Method

Initializes the tracer.

Public Sub Initialize ( _
    ByVal unQuery As IUtilityNetworkQuery, _
    ByVal Definition As IDataElement _
public void Initialize (
    IUtilityNetworkQuery unQuery,
    IDataElement Definition

ITracer.ResultTypes Property

Returns the result types.

Public Property ResultTypes As IArray
public IArray ResultTypes {get; set;}


An array to hold an indexed collection of IUNResultType.

ITracer.Trace Method

Execute the given trace.

Public Sub Trace ( _
    ByVal traceType As esriUtilityNetworkTraceType, _
    ByRef junctionEIDs As Int64[]&, _
    ByRef edgeEIDs As Int64[]& _
public void Trace (
    esriUtilityNetworkTraceType traceType,
    ref Int64[]& junctionEIDs,
    ref Int64[]& edgeEIDs

ITracer.TraceConfiguration Property

Returns trace configuration.

Public Property TraceConfiguration As ITraceConfiguration
public ITraceConfiguration TraceConfiguration {get; set;}

ITracer.TraceConfigurationGlobalID Property

Returns trace configuration global ID.

Public Property TraceConfigurationGlobalID As Guid
public Guid TraceConfigurationGlobalID {get; set;}

ITracer.TraceEx Method

Execute the given trace.

Public Sub TraceEx ( _
    ByVal traceType As esriUtilityNetworkTraceType, _
    ByVal asynchronous As Boolean, _
    ByRef junctionEIDs As Int64[]&, _
    ByRef edgeEIDs As Int64[]& _
public void TraceEx (
    esriUtilityNetworkTraceType traceType,
    bool asynchronous,
    ref Int64[]& junctionEIDs,
    ref Int64[]& edgeEIDs

ITracer.TraceLocations Property

Returns trace locations.

Public Sub TraceLocations ( _
    ByVal Type As esriTraceLocationType, _
    ByRef ElementTypes As esriElementType[], _
    ByRef EIDs As Int64[]& _
public void TraceLocations (
    esriTraceLocationType Type,
    ref esriElementType[] ElementTypes,
    ref Int64[]& EIDs

Classes that implement ITracer

Classes Description
TNTracerService Trace Network Tracer.
UNTracerService Utility Network Tracer.

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