IUtilityNetworkQueryTracer2 Interface

Provides access to members that supply utility network query tracer information with 64-bit object ids.


Name Description
Read-only property AttributeNameToWeightIDMapping Returns the attribute name to weight ID mappings.
Read-only property AttributesForFeatures Returns feature information including geometry, network attribute, and field information.
Read-only property AttributesForFeatures64 Returns feature information including geometry, network attribute, and field information with 64-bit Ojbect IDs.
Read-only property AttributeUsageTypeToWeightIDMapping Returns the attribute usage type to weight ID mappings.
Read-only property ConnectivityFeatures Returns feature information for the given set of edge eids as well as their from and to junctions.
Read-only property ConnectivityFeatures64 Returns feature information for the given set of edge eids as well as their from and to junctions with 64-bit Object IDs.
Method ElementsToFeatures Get Source IDs and Global IDs that correspond to the given EIDs.
Read-only property FeaturesForSet Returns Network Source IDs, Global IDs, Object IDs, Terminal IDs, Asset Group Codes, and Asset Type Codes that correspond to the given EIDs.
Read-only property FeaturesForSet64 Returns Network Source IDs, Global IDs, 64-bit Object IDs, Terminal IDs, Asset Group Codes, and Asset Type Codes that correspond to the given EIDs.
Read-only property FeaturesForSetBasic Returns Network Source IDs, Global IDs, and Object IDs that correspond to the given EIDs.
Read-only property FeaturesForSetBasic64 Returns Network Source IDs, Global IDs, and 64-bit Object IDs that correspond to the given EIDs.
Read-only property FeaturesForSetBasicWithPosition Returns Network Source IDs, Global IDs, Object IDs, Position Froms (for edges), and PositionTos (for edges) that correspond to the given EIDs.
Read-only property FeaturesForSetBasicWithPosition64 Returns Network Source IDs, Global IDs, 64-bit Object IDs, Position Froms (for edges), and PositionTos (for edges) that correspond to the given EIDs.
Read-only property FeaturesForSetWithPosition Returns Network Source IDs, Global IDs, Object IDs, Terminal IDs, Asset Group Codes, Asset Type Codes, Position Froms (for edges), and PositionTos (for edges) that correspond to the given EIDs.
Read-only property FeaturesForSetWithPosition64 Returns Network Source IDs, Global IDs, 64-bit Object IDs, Terminal IDs, Asset Group Codes, Asset Type Codes, Position Froms (for edges), and PositionTos (for edges) that correspond to the given EIDs.
Method GetIntersectingElements Returns all junction or edge EIDs that are intersecting with a geometry.
Method GetIntersectingElementsWithPercentAlong Returns all junction or edge EIDs that are intersecting with a geometry. Percent alongs are returned with edge EIDs.
Method QueryTraceConfiguration Query the trace configurations table for the trace configuration corresponding to the given global ID.
Read-only property TraceConfiguration Returns the trace configuration for the tier with the given tier ID.

IUtilityNetworkQueryTracer2.AttributesForFeatures64 Property

Returns feature information including geometry, network attribute, and field information with 64-bit Ojbect IDs.

Public Sub AttributesForFeatures64 ( _
    ByVal ElementType As esriElementType, _
    ByVal EIDs As ILongLongArray, _
    ByVal IncludeGeometry As Boolean, _
    ByVal NetworkAttributeNames As IStringArray, _
    ByVal ResultTypeFields As IArray, _
    ByRef networkSourceIDs As ILongArray, _
    ByRef GlobalIDs As IStringArray, _
    ByRef objectIDs As ILongLongArray, _
    ByRef TerminalIDs As ILongArray, _
    ByRef AssetGroupCodes As ILongArray, _
    ByRef assetTypeCodes As ILongArray, _
    ByRef positionFroms As IDoubleArray, _
    ByRef positionTos As IDoubleArray, _
    ByRef geometries As IArray, _
    ByRef networkAttributeValues As IArray, _
    ByRef fieldValues As IArray _
public void AttributesForFeatures64 (
    esriElementType ElementType,
    ILongLongArray EIDs,
    bool IncludeGeometry,
    IStringArray NetworkAttributeNames,
    IArray ResultTypeFields,
    ref ILongArray networkSourceIDs,
    ref IStringArray GlobalIDs,
    ref ILongLongArray objectIDs,
    ref ILongArray TerminalIDs,
    ref ILongArray AssetGroupCodes,
    ref ILongArray assetTypeCodes,
    ref IDoubleArray positionFroms,
    ref IDoubleArray positionTos,
    ref IArray geometries,
    ref IArray networkAttributeValues,
    ref IArray fieldValues

IUtilityNetworkQueryTracer2.ConnectivityFeatures64 Property

Returns feature information for the given set of edge eids as well as their from and to junctions with 64-bit Object IDs.

Public Sub ConnectivityFeatures64 ( _
    ByVal edgeEIDs As ILongLongArray, _
    ByVal IncludeGeometry As Boolean, _
    ByRef viaNetworkSourceIDs As ILongArray, _
    ByRef viaGlobalIDs As IStringArray, _
    ByRef viaObjectIDs As ILongLongArray, _
    ByRef viaPositionFroms As IDoubleArray, _
    ByRef viaPositionTos As IDoubleArray, _
    ByRef viaGeometries As IArray, _
    ByRef fromNetworkSourceIDs As ILongArray, _
    ByRef fromGlobalIDs As IStringArray, _
    ByRef fromObjectIDs As ILongLongArray, _
    ByRef fromTerminalIDs As ILongArray, _
    ByRef fromGeometries As IArray, _
    ByRef toNetworkSourceIDs As ILongArray, _
    ByRef toGlobalIDs As IStringArray, _
    ByRef toObjectIDs As ILongLongArray, _
    ByRef toTerminalIDs As ILongArray, _
    ByRef toGeometries As IArray _
public void ConnectivityFeatures64 (
    ILongLongArray edgeEIDs,
    bool IncludeGeometry,
    ref ILongArray viaNetworkSourceIDs,
    ref IStringArray viaGlobalIDs,
    ref ILongLongArray viaObjectIDs,
    ref IDoubleArray viaPositionFroms,
    ref IDoubleArray viaPositionTos,
    ref IArray viaGeometries,
    ref ILongArray fromNetworkSourceIDs,
    ref IStringArray fromGlobalIDs,
    ref ILongLongArray fromObjectIDs,
    ref ILongArray fromTerminalIDs,
    ref IArray fromGeometries,
    ref ILongArray toNetworkSourceIDs,
    ref IStringArray toGlobalIDs,
    ref ILongLongArray toObjectIDs,
    ref ILongArray toTerminalIDs,
    ref IArray toGeometries

IUtilityNetworkQueryTracer2.FeaturesForSet64 Property

Returns Network Source IDs, Global IDs, 64-bit Object IDs, Terminal IDs, Asset Group Codes, and Asset Type Codes that correspond to the given EIDs.

Public Sub FeaturesForSet64 ( _
    ByVal ElementType As esriElementType, _
    ByVal EIDs As ILongLongArray, _
    ByRef networkSourceIDs As ILongArray, _
    ByRef GlobalIDs As IStringArray, _
    ByRef objectIDs As ILongLongArray, _
    ByRef TerminalIDs As ILongArray, _
    ByRef AssetGroupCodes As ILongArray, _
    ByRef assetTypeCodes As ILongArray _
public void FeaturesForSet64 (
    esriElementType ElementType,
    ILongLongArray EIDs,
    ref ILongArray networkSourceIDs,
    ref IStringArray GlobalIDs,
    ref ILongLongArray objectIDs,
    ref ILongArray TerminalIDs,
    ref ILongArray AssetGroupCodes,
    ref ILongArray assetTypeCodes

IUtilityNetworkQueryTracer2.FeaturesForSetBasic64 Property

Returns Network Source IDs, Global IDs, and 64-bit Object IDs that correspond to the given EIDs.

Public Sub FeaturesForSetBasic64 ( _
    ByVal ElementType As esriElementType, _
    ByVal EIDs As ILongLongArray, _
    ByRef networkSourceIDs As ILongArray, _
    ByRef GlobalIDs As IStringArray, _
    ByRef objectIDs As ILongLongArray _
public void FeaturesForSetBasic64 (
    esriElementType ElementType,
    ILongLongArray EIDs,
    ref ILongArray networkSourceIDs,
    ref IStringArray GlobalIDs,
    ref ILongLongArray objectIDs

IUtilityNetworkQueryTracer2.FeaturesForSetBasicWithPosition64 Property

Returns Network Source IDs, Global IDs, 64-bit Object IDs, Position Froms (for edges), and PositionTos (for edges) that correspond to the given EIDs.

Public Sub FeaturesForSetBasicWithPosition64 ( _
    ByVal ElementType As esriElementType, _
    ByVal EIDs As ILongLongArray, _
    ByRef networkSourceIDs As ILongArray, _
    ByRef GlobalIDs As IStringArray, _
    ByRef objectIDs As ILongLongArray, _
    ByRef positionFroms As IDoubleArray, _
    ByRef positionTos As IDoubleArray _
public void FeaturesForSetBasicWithPosition64 (
    esriElementType ElementType,
    ILongLongArray EIDs,
    ref ILongArray networkSourceIDs,
    ref IStringArray GlobalIDs,
    ref ILongLongArray objectIDs,
    ref IDoubleArray positionFroms,
    ref IDoubleArray positionTos

IUtilityNetworkQueryTracer2.FeaturesForSetWithPosition64 Property

Returns Network Source IDs, Global IDs, 64-bit Object IDs, Terminal IDs, Asset Group Codes, Asset Type Codes, Position Froms (for edges), and PositionTos (for edges) that correspond to the given EIDs.

Public Sub FeaturesForSetWithPosition64 ( _
    ByVal ElementType As esriElementType, _
    ByVal EIDs As ILongLongArray, _
    ByRef networkSourceIDs As ILongArray, _
    ByRef GlobalIDs As IStringArray, _
    ByRef objectIDs As ILongLongArray, _
    ByRef TerminalIDs As ILongArray, _
    ByRef AssetGroupCodes As ILongArray, _
    ByRef assetTypeCodes As ILongArray, _
    ByRef positionFroms As IDoubleArray, _
    ByRef positionTos As IDoubleArray _
public void FeaturesForSetWithPosition64 (
    esriElementType ElementType,
    ILongLongArray EIDs,
    ref ILongArray networkSourceIDs,
    ref IStringArray GlobalIDs,
    ref ILongLongArray objectIDs,
    ref ILongArray TerminalIDs,
    ref ILongArray AssetGroupCodes,
    ref ILongArray assetTypeCodes,
    ref IDoubleArray positionFroms,
    ref IDoubleArray positionTos

IUtilityNetworkQueryTracer2.QueryTraceConfiguration Method

Query the trace configurations table for the trace configuration corresponding to the given global ID.

Public Sub QueryTraceConfiguration ( _
    ByVal GlobalID As Guid, _
    ByRef traceType As esriUtilityNetworkTraceType, _
    ByRef TraceConfiguration As ITraceConfiguration, _
    ByRef ResultTypes As IArray _
public void QueryTraceConfiguration (
    Guid GlobalID,
    ref esriUtilityNetworkTraceType traceType,
    ref ITraceConfiguration TraceConfiguration,
    ref IArray ResultTypes

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IUtilityNetworkQueryTracer Provides access to members that supply utility network query tracer information.

Classes that implement IUtilityNetworkQueryTracer2

Classes Description

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