IVersion Interface

Provides access to members for managing a version.


The IVersioninterface is used to manage the properties of a version, such as the name, description, access and the ability to create new versions.


Name Description
Read/write property Access The version's access permission.
Method AlterVersion
Method CreateChild Creates a new child version of this version whose initial state is the current state of pInitialStateVersion.
Method CreateVersion Creates a new version equivalent to this version.
Method CreateVersionEx
Method Delete Permanently deletes the version from the database.
Method DeleteWithChildren Permanently deletes the version and all it's children from the database.
Read/write property Description The version's description.
Method GetCommonAncestor Finds common ancestor version.
Method HasParent True if this version have a parent version.
Read-only property IsRedefined Determines whether the state of the version corresponding to this version object has been redefined in the database.
Read/write property Owner
Method RefreshVersion Refreshes the version with the corresponding database state.
Read-only property VersionInfo This version's information.
Read-only property VersionLocks This version's locks.
Read/write property VersionName The name of the version.

IVersion.Access Property

The version's access permission.

Public Property Access As esriVersionAccess
public esriVersionAccess Access {get; set;}

Errors Returned

FDO_E_SE_NO_PERMISSIONS: Insufficient permissions.

Functional License Check

If your application/site is not appropriately licensed, Access can return an error of FDO_E_NO_OPERATION_LICENSE.


The Accessproperty is used to retrieve or set a version's access property. Version access can be private, public or protected. Private versions are only accessible by the version's owner, public versions can be viewed and edited by any user, and protected versions can be viewed by any user but only edited by the owner. Only the owner of a version can change its properties, such as the access.

IVersion.AlterVersion Method

IVersion.CreateChild Method

Creates a new child version of this version whose initial state is the current state of pInitialStateVersion.

Public Function CreateChild ( _
    ByVal Name As String, _
    ByVal initialStateVersion As IVersion _
) As IVersion
public IVersion CreateChild (
    string Name,
    IVersion initialStateVersion

IVersion.CreateVersion Method

Creates a new version equivalent to this version.

Public Function CreateVersion ( _
    ByVal newName As String _
) As IVersion
public IVersion CreateVersion (
    string newName

Errors Returned

FDO_E_SE_VERSION_EXISTS: Version already exists.

FDO_E_SE_INVALID_PARAM_VALUE: Invalid parameter value passed to function.

Functional License Check

If your application/site is not appropriately licensed, CreateVersion can return an error of FDO_E_NO_OPERATION_LICENSE.


The CreateVersion method allows you to create new version from the existing IVersion. The new version is a child of the current version and is owned by the connected user. The version name is limited to 64 characters and is private by default.

Creating a new version requires an existing version to be the parent of the new version. When the new version is created, the parent and child versions are identical.

IVersion.CreateVersionEx Method

IVersion.Delete Method

Permanently deletes the version from the database.

Public Sub Delete ( _
public void Delete (


Deletes the transactional version. Must be the version owner to delete a version.

Errors Returned

FDO_E_SE_NO_PERMISSIONS: Insufficient permissions.

FDO_E_VERSION_HAS_CHILDREN: Unable to delete versions with dependant children.

FDO_E_VERSION_NOT_OWNER: Not owner of version.

FDO_E_NO_OPERATION_LICENSE: Not licensed to make this change.

FDO_E_OBJECT_IS_DELETED: Version does not exist.


FDO_E_VERSION_IN_USE: Version is locked.

FDO_E_VERSION_HAS_CHILDREN (unless cascading requested).

Functional License Check

If your application/site is not appropriately licensed, Delete can return an error of FDO_E_NO_OPERATION_LICENSE.


The Deletemethod is used to permanently delete a version. Only the owner of the version or the ArcSDE administrator can delete the version.

IVersion.DeleteWithChildren Method

Permanently deletes the version and all it's children from the database.

Public Sub DeleteWithChildren ( _
public void DeleteWithChildren (

IVersion.Description Property

The version's description.

Public Property Description As String
public string Description {get; set;}

Errors Returned

FDO_E_SE_NO_PERMISSIONS: Insufficient permissions.

FDO_E_SE_INVALID_PARAM_VALUE: Invalid parameter value passed to function.


The Descriptionmethod is used to retreive or set a version's description. Version descriptions are not required and are limited to 64 characters. Only the owner of a version can change its properties, such as the description.

IVersion.GetCommonAncestor Method

Finds common ancestor version.

Public Function GetCommonAncestor ( _
    ByVal otherVersion As IVersion _
) As IVersion
public IVersion GetCommonAncestor (
    IVersion otherVersion

IVersion.HasParent Method

True if this version have a parent version.

Public Function HasParent ( _
) As Boolean
public bool HasParent (


All versions, except the default version have parent versions.

IVersion.IsRedefined Property

Determines whether the state of the version corresponding to this version object has been redefined in the database.

Public ReadOnly Property IsRedefined As Boolean
public bool IsRedefined {get;}

IVersion.Owner Property


Public Property Owner As String
public string Owner {get; set;}

IVersion.RefreshVersion Method

Refreshes the version with the corresponding database state.

Public Sub RefreshVersion ( _
public void RefreshVersion (


The RefreshVersion method refreshes the version to correspond with the database state the version references. For example, if a second application is editing the verison and saves their changes, you need to call the RefreshVersionmethod to see the latest representation of the version.

IVersion.VersionInfo Property

This version's information.

Public ReadOnly Property VersionInfo As IVersionInfo
public IVersionInfo VersionInfo {get;}


The VersionInfo method provides a reference to the IVersionInfointerface. The IVersionInfointerface contains methods which describe the properties of the version. The interface is beneficial for obtaining a version's ancestory, for example its parent version.

VersionInfowill only return versions in which the connected user has the appropriate privileges.

IVersion.VersionLocks Property

This version's locks.

Public ReadOnly Property VersionLocks As IEnumLockInfo
public IEnumLockInfo VersionLocks {get;}


The VersionLocksmethod returns the enumeration IEnumLockInfo. Using the enumeration you can detect what users are currently editing the version or currently reconciling the version. This information can be used to determine if the version is available for editing, to be reconciled or to be reconciled against.

See ILockInfoand esriLockTypeconstants for additional information regarding locking descriptions.

IVersion.VersionName Property

The name of the version.

Public Property VersionName As String
public string VersionName {get; set;}

Errors Returned

FDO_E_SE_NO_PERMISSIONS: Insufficient permissions.

FDO_E_SE_INVALID_PARAM_VALUE: Invalid parameter value passed to function.

FDO_E_SE_VERSION_EXISTS: Version already exists.


The VersionName method is used to retrieve or set a version's name. Version names are case sensitive and limited to 64 characters. Only the owner of a version can change its properties, such as the name.

The DEFAULT version cannot be renamed.

Classes that implement IVersion

Classes Description
// Get dataset from the map service

IDataset defaultDataset = mapServerDataAccess.GetDataSource(mapService.DefaultMapName, 0 ) as IDataset;

IWorkspace workspace = defaultDataset.Workspace;

IVersionedWorkspace versionedWorkspace = (IVersionedWorkspace)workspace;

// Default Version

IVersion  defaultVersion = versionedWorkspace.DefaultVersion;

string defaultVersionName = defaultVersion.VersionName;

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