IVersionEvents Interface

Provides access to events that occur on a version.


Name Description
Method OnArchiveUpdated This event is fired after the historical archive has been updated with changes saved or posted to the DEFAULT version.
Method OnBeginReconcile This event is fired before a version is reconciled.
Method OnConflictsDetected This event is fired during reconciliation, after conflicts are detected. It can be used by application developers to filter found conflicts.
Method OnDeleteVersion This event is fired before a version is deleted.
Method OnPost This event is fired after a version is posted.
Method OnReconcile This event is fired after the version is reconciled, associating it with a new database state. Applications must discard or refresh any cached row objects.
Method OnRedefineVersion This event is fired after the version is changed in place to represent a different version, associating it with a new database state. Applications must discard or refresh any cached row objects.
Method OnRefreshVersion This event is fired after the version is refreshed, associating it with a new database state. Applications must discard or refresh any cached row objects.

IVersionEvents.OnArchiveUpdated Event

This event is fired after the historical archive has been updated with changes saved or posted to the DEFAULT version.

Public Event OnArchiveUpdated As OnArchiveUpdatedEventHandler
public event OnArchiveUpdatedEventHandler OnArchiveUpdated

IVersionEvents.OnBeginReconcile Event

This event is fired before a version is reconciled.

Public Event OnBeginReconcile As OnBeginReconcileEventHandler
public event OnBeginReconcileEventHandler OnBeginReconcile

IVersionEvents.OnConflictsDetected Event

This event is fired during reconciliation, after conflicts are detected. It can be used by application developers to filter found conflicts.

Public Event OnConflictsDetected As OnConflictsDetectedEventHandler
public event OnConflictsDetectedEventHandler OnConflictsDetected


It is the developer's responsibility to set the conflictsRemoved argument to true if any conflicts were removed from any of the Conflict Classes.

IVersionEvents.OnDeleteVersion Event

This event is fired before a version is deleted.

Public Event OnDeleteVersion As OnDeleteVersionEventHandler
public event OnDeleteVersionEventHandler OnDeleteVersion

IVersionEvents.OnPost Event

This event is fired after a version is posted.

Public Event OnPost As OnPostEventHandler
public event OnPostEventHandler OnPost

IVersionEvents.OnReconcile Event

This event is fired after the version is reconciled, associating it with a new database state. Applications must discard or refresh any cached row objects.

Public Event OnReconcile As OnReconcileEventHandler
public event OnReconcileEventHandler OnReconcile

IVersionEvents.OnRedefineVersion Event

This event is fired after the version is changed in place to represent a different version, associating it with a new database state. Applications must discard or refresh any cached row objects.

Public Event OnRedefineVersion As OnRedefineVersionEventHandler
public event OnRedefineVersionEventHandler OnRedefineVersion

IVersionEvents.OnRefreshVersion Event

This event is fired after the version is refreshed, associating it with a new database state. Applications must discard or refresh any cached row objects.

Public Event OnRefreshVersion As OnRefreshVersionEventHandler
public event OnRefreshVersionEventHandler OnRefreshVersion

Classes that implement IVersionEvents

Classes Description
VersionEvents Helper coclass for working with the outbound interface IVersionEvents.

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