IVersionInfo Interface

Provides access to members that supply version information.


The IVersionInfo interface is a read-only collection of methods used to obtain different properties of a version. If you need to set properties of a version, use the IVersioninterface.


Name Description
Read-only property Access The version's access permission.
Read-only property Ancestors The version's ancestors.
Read-only property BlocksCompress Does this version block compress of DEFAULT
Read-only property Children The version's children.
Read-only property Created The date and time the version was created.
Read-only property Description The version's description.
Method IsOwner True if the current connected user is the owner of this version.
Read-only property Modified The date and time the version was last modified.
Read-only property Parent The version's parent.
Read-only property ParentName The name of the version's parent.
Read-only property VersionName The version's name.

IVersionInfo.Access Property

The version's access permission.

Public ReadOnly Property Access As esriVersionAccess
public esriVersionAccess Access {get;}


The Access method is used to retrieve a version's permission. The permission can be private, public or protected.

IVersionInfo.Ancestors Property

The version's ancestors.

Public ReadOnly Property Ancestors As IEnumVersionInfo
public IEnumVersionInfo Ancestors {get;}


The Ancestors method is used to retrieve an IEnumVersionInfo enumeration of all the version's that are in the ancestral lineage for the current version. For example, the parent version, the grandparent version, etc. all the way back to the default version. The IEnumVersionInfo enumeration is then used to obtain an IVersionInfo object for each version.

IVersionInfo.BlocksCompress Property

Does this version block compress of DEFAULT.

Public ReadOnly Property BlocksCompress As Boolean
public bool BlocksCompress {get;}

IVersionInfo.Children Property

The version's children.

Public ReadOnly Property Children As IEnumVersionInfo
public IEnumVersionInfo Children {get;}


The Children method is used to retrieve an IEnumVersionInfo enumeration of all the version's that were created from the current version. The IEnumVersionInfo enumeration is then used to obtain an IVersionInfo object for the child version.

IVersionInfo.Created Property

The date and time the version was created.

Public ReadOnly Property Created As Object
public object Created {get;}


The Created method is used to retrieve the date when the version was created.

IVersionInfo.Description Property

The version's description.

Public ReadOnly Property Description As String
public string Description {get;}


The Description method is used to retrieve a version's description.

IVersionInfo.IsOwner Method

True if the current connected user is the owner of this version.

Public Function IsOwner ( _
) As Boolean
public bool IsOwner (


The IsOwner method is used to retrieve a boolean value to determine if the currently connected user owns the version.

IVersionInfo.Modified Property

The date and time the version was last modified.

Public ReadOnly Property Modified As Object
public object Modified {get;}


The Modified method is used to retrieve the date when the version was last modified.

IVersionInfo.Parent Property

The version's parent.

Public ReadOnly Property Parent As IVersionInfo
public IVersionInfo Parent {get;}


The Parent method is used to retrieve the version's parent version properties.

IVersionInfo.ParentName Property

The name of the version's parent.

Public ReadOnly Property ParentName As String
public string ParentName {get;}

IVersionInfo.VersionName Property

The version's name.

Public ReadOnly Property VersionName As String
public string VersionName {get;}


The VersionName method is used to retrieve a version's name. The name will be qualified with the owner of the version. For example, for a version called "MyWorkOrder" owned by the user "GIS", VersionName will return "GIS.MyWorkOrder"

Classes that implement IVersionInfo

Classes Description
VersionInfo VersionInfo Object.
// Get dataset from the map service

IDataset defaultDataset = mapServerDataAccess.GetDataSource(mapService.DefaultMapName, 0 ) as IDataset;

IWorkspace workspace = defaultDataset.Workspace;

IVersionedWorkspace versionedWorkspace = (IVersionedWorkspace)workspace;

// Default Version

IVersion  defaultVersion = versionedWorkspace.DefaultVersion;

string defaultVersionName = defaultVersion.VersionName;

// Iterate over versions

IEnumVersionInfo allVersions = versionedWorkspace.Versions;


IVersionInfo currentVersion = allVersions.Next();

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