IWorkspaceEdit2 Interface

Provides access to members that control Workspace Editing.


Name Description
Method AbortEditOperation Aborts an edit operation.
Method DisableUndoRedo Disables Undo and Redo of edit operations.
Read-only property EditDataChanges gets changes during edit session
Method EnableUndoRedo Enables Undo and Redo of edit operations.
Method HasEdits True if there are any completed edit operations that need to be saved .
Method HasRedos True if there are any completed undos that can be redone.
Method HasUndos True if there are any completed edit operations that can be undone.
Method IsBeingEdited True if the workspace is being edited.
Read-only property IsInEditOperation Is the workspace currently in an edit operation?
Method RedoEditOperation Causes a Redo to be performed on the last undo.
Method StartEditing Starts editing the workspace.
Method StartEditOperation Begins an edit operation.
Method StopEditing Stops editing the workspace.
Method StopEditOperation Ends an edit operation.
Method UndoEditOperation Causes an Undo to be performed on the last edit operation.

IWorkspaceEdit2.EditDataChanges Property

gets changes during edit session.

Public Function get_EditDataChanges ( _
    ByVal editChangeType As esriEditDataChangesType _
) As IDataChangesEx
public IDataChangesEx get_EditDataChanges (
    esriEditDataChangesType editChangeType


This property can be used to get a reference to the IDataChangesEx interface. It has one argument which corresponds to the esriEditDataChangesType enumeration. This is used to specify which set of data changes are returned; those from the current edit session or the current edit operation.

The IDataChangesEx interface can be used by application developers to find out what features have been changed with the scope of an edit session or edit operation. The changes returned from a IDataChangesEx object are only accurate to the time of object creation. This means that any edits made after a reference to the IDataChangesEx object will not be reflected when ChangedIDs, Extract, and ExtractEx members are called.

It is recommended that editing be done within an edit operation. Although it is possible to edit some data types outside of an edit operation, its edit state association will be non-deterministic. The scope of the data changes can not be guaranteed when the ChangedIDs, Extract,**andExtractEx** members are called on an edit session with edits made outside of an edit operation.

IWorkspaceEdit2.IsInEditOperation Property

Is the workspace currently in an edit operation?.

Public ReadOnly Property IsInEditOperation As Boolean
public bool IsInEditOperation {get;}


Returns a Boolean corresponding to if the workspace is currently in an edit operation. This Boolean property should be used when deciding to start an edit operation.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IWorkspaceEdit Provides access to members that control Workspace Editing.

Classes that implement IWorkspaceEdit2

Classes Description


The IWorkspaceEdit2interface has two properties. EditDataChanges can be used to retrieve the changes made in the current edit session (or edit operation), and IsInEditOperation can be used to determine if the workspace edit session is in an active edit operation.

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