
fun tryBufferGeodetic(geometries: Iterable<Geometry>, distances: Iterable<Double>, distanceUnit: LinearUnit?, maxDeviation: Double, curveType: GeodeticCurveType, unionResult: Boolean): List<Polygon>

Creates and returns a geodetic buffer or buffers relative to the given collection of geometries. Geodetic buffers account for the actual shape of the earth. Distances are calculated between points on a curved surface (the geoid) as opposed to points on a flat surface (the Cartesian plane).

Negative distance can be used to create buffers inside polygons. Using a negative buffer distance shrinks the polygons' boundaries by the distance specified. Note that if the negative buffer distance is large enough, polygons may collapse to empty geometries.


A collection of polygon geometries that represent a geodetic buffer at the desired distance(s) relative to the given geometries. If 'unionResult' is true, the resulting collection contains a single polygon. If geometries is empty, returns an empty array.

