The stack separators that should be used for automatic line breaking of label text. Each LabelStackSeparator specifies a code point to be looked for in the text. A code point is often thought of as a single character in the text, but may need several chars in a String to describe it. So each LabelStackSeparator.separator is a String intended to describe one code point.
For example:
To use a comma as a separator, the LabelStackSeparator.separator string would be just ","
To use a Hebrew punctuation Paseq as a separator, the LabelStackSeparator.separator would need to encode the code point with utf16 value "\u05c0" if your SDK uses utf16 strings (e.g. Java, C#) or with the utf8 string "\x30\x35\x63\x30" if your SDK uses utf8 strings
To use higher range unicode code points such as Aegean Word Separator Dot which has utf32 hex value 10101, the LabelStackSeparator.separator would need to encode the code point with utf16 value "\ud800\udd01" if your SDK uses utf16 strings (e.g. Java, C#) or with the utf8 string "\xf0\x90\x84\x81" if your SDK uses utf8 strings
If it is found, then the LabelStackSeparator also specifies whether:
The text should always be broken here
Whether the separator code point should remain visible
Whether the separator code point should appear at the end of one row, or the beginning of the next
Three default separators are provided: a comma, a space, and a hyphen. Custom separators can be added, and default separators can be removed if not required.
Note that a carriage-return (\n) in the label will always be considered a forced separator.
This property has no effect if LabelDefinition.stackStrategy = LabelStackStrategy.None.