Executes an asynchronous operation to update any item properties that have been changed (using the setter methods). This causes the values that have been changed to be updated on the portal (for PortalItems) or on disk (for LocalItems).
Updating properties can be only done for local items that are unpacked. For example, a mobile map package file (.mmpk) can be unpacked using MobileMapPackage.unpack. Once unpacked, local items within the package can be updated. See MobileMapPackage.getItem and for any maps use GeoModel.getItem. As well as packages, the local item available from an item resource cache can be updated. This is accessed with ItemResourceCache.getItem.
a Result indicating whether the operation was a success or failure; may contain an ExecutionException with its cause set to an exception as follows:
IllegalStateException if this item is a LocalItem and has not been unpacked