True if the mobile map package must be closed and reopened with a new instance to allow the updates to take effect, false otherwise. In some cases, applying updates may require files such as mobile geodatabases to be replaced with a new version. When reopen is required, this property will be true and you need to:
Release all instances of the com.arcgismaps.mapping.MobileMapPackage and its maps and layers. For example, you should remove any com.arcgismaps.mapping.ArcGISMap instances from the com.arcgismaps.mapping.view.MapView and remove layers and geodatabases from custom views such as lists and tables of contents. This will allow files to be closed.
Call com.arcgismaps.mapping.MobileMapPackage.close to close the mobile map package instance and files
Create a new com.arcgismaps.mapping.MobileMapPackage instance with the same path
Load the new com.arcgismaps.mapping.MobileMapPackage. This will apply updates to geodatabases that have been replaced via a scheduled updates workflow.
If your offline map was created using PreplannedUpdateMode.DownloadScheduledUpdatesAndUploadNewFeatures, be aware that immediately following replacement, the new geodatabase will not contain the new features that have been synced up to the feature service. The uploaded features can be downloaded after the next scheduled update has executed and changes are available for download.