True if exporting tiles in compact version 2 format (.tpkx) is supported, false otherwise. The export tile cache compact version 2 (.tpkx) format now supersedes the compact (.tpk) format across ArcGIS software. For more information, see CacheStorageFormat.CompactV2.
If this property is true, the map service supports exporting tiles as .tpkx format. If this property is false, the service does not support exporting .tpkx format, and you should check ArcGISMapServiceInfo.exportTilesAllowed to confirm whether it supports exporting the earlier .tpk format version.
ArcGISMapServiceInfo.currentVersion, 10.9 or greater, supports exporting tiles as .tpkx. Compact V2 tile caches can also be exported from export-enabled Esri image basemaps and elevation services hosted on ArcGIS Online. For more details on the specification of a .tpkx file format, see https://github.com/Esri/tile-package-spec.