True if exporting tiles in compact format (.tpk) is supported, false otherwise. This property indicates whether the map service supports exporting tiles as compact (.tpk) format. Exporting tiles allows you to use them as a basemap, operational layer, or elevation source, without network connectivity. See com.arcgismaps.mapping.layers.TileCache for information on creating a layer from a local tile cache.
To export tiles, you can use either the com.arcgismaps.tasks.tilecache.ExportTileCacheTask or the com.arcgismaps.tasks.offlinemaptask.OfflineMapTask.
There are two formats for exporting a tile cache:
Compact (.tpk) is the legacy format for a tile cache. All services that support exporting tiles, support the .tpk format. See CacheStorageFormat.Compact
Compact V2 (.tpkx) is the latest format used for exporting tiles. Check ArcGISMapServiceInfo.exportTileCacheCompactV2Allowed to confirm whether the service supports this format.